
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 8:33am

Lieutenant JG Grace Douglas

Name Grace Douglas

Position Multiversal Science Deputy

Second Position Metaphysicist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Elasian/Human
Age 24

Physical State

Height 6' 0"
Weight 78kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Grace has her mother's Māori complexion and her father's tall, lean Elasian stature.


Father Professor Hlogun Sutulhar
Mother Eileen Douglas

Personality & Traits

General Overview Grace is phenomenally intelligent, but tends to play down her gifts, preferring to be a face in the crowd instead of a prodigious standout like her father.

She is extroverted and friendly, and has been known to break the rules to have a good time on more than a few occasions, but never anything that warranted disciplinary action, at least that she's been caught for. She has a certain reckless wildness that can be credited to her Elasian ancestry, but very little of the hubris or cruelty that they're known for.