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Wed Mar 19th, 2025 @ 8:07am


Name Mana'i

Position Guest

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Toa
Age Easily in the thousands
Pronouns She/Her
Summary Scientist and radical thinker Mana'i never expected to become a Toa at all - until Kopaka Nuva approached her with a Toa Stone at her workplace, and instructed her to go to the Great Temple. This she did, and her life was never the same. She would go on to have many adventures before falling into am interdimensional portal of shadow conjured by Makuta Dynax - and the rest is history.
Place of Birth Ko-Metru, Metru Nui, Spherus Magna

Physical State

Height 6'8"
Weight 187 lbs
Hair Color None
Eye Color Glowing light blue
Physical Description Despite her rather robotic appearance, one can easily note that Mana'i's silver-white armor is feminine by most standards, curving out at the chest and tapering in such a way to give her an almost hourglass-like figure as well as boots that bring to mind some form of heeled shoe in design. The design of the Mask of Truthseeking she dons, the Kanohi Aglaea, is similarly elegantly feminine in design. Her eyes, light blue in color, can be seen through the eyeholes. If one takes off her mask, one will find a female humanoid visage that's honestly quite pretty beyond.


Spouse None
Children None
Father None
Mother None
Brother(s) (In arms)

Reska, New Toa Metru of Fire
Kolos, New Toa Metru of Earth
Colchis, New Toa Metru of Stone
Andiron, New Toa Metru of Air
Sister(s) (In arms)

Dynaea, New Toa Metru of Water
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mana'i's thirst for knowledge has always been unquenchable, and it only intensified when she became convinced that there were other forms of life beyond Spherus Magna. She has pursued the truth (or lack thereof) ever since, ignoring the naysayers who'd tell her that she was wasting her efforts. No long trip is too long, and no journey is too harsh to bear, if it means gaining valuable knowledge along the way - especially if that knowledge proves that she and her fellow natives of Spherus Magna are not alone in the universe. Mana'i could not be further from the almost archetypal aloofness of many of her predecessor Toa of Ice in this regard. She's pleasant enough to be with, though, all things considered.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Unquenchable thirst for knowledge
+ Not all that sensitive to naysayers and critics, considering she's dealt with them for most of her life.
+/- Immense sense of curiosity and willingness to learn
+ Adaptable

- Doesn't do well in high heat, for some reason.
- Doesn't really care about her own limits.
- Not the best at sensing (or accepting) when she can literally tread no further.
Ambitions * Prove to herself that life exists beyond Spherus Magna.
* Convince her fellow academics and thinkers that life exists beyond Spherus Magna.
* Return home.
Hobbies & Interests * Writing (academic and non-academic)
* Reading (the more detailed the piece the better!)
* Exploring unknown parts of her world. Sometimes this gets her into trouble.

Languages * The native language of all Spherus Magna natives
Personal History Mana'i spent most of her pre-Toa life working in a Ko-Metru Knowledge Tower as an analyst, a job so mind-numbingly boring that she eventually came to hate the monotony and deafening silence that more often than not accompanied it. Eventually, her tired brain came upon the idea that there logically had to exist even more forms of intelligent life in the universe - far more than any of her fellow Matoran would ever care to meet or think about. After all, the Great Spirit had travelled for many, many years and seen many, many things, surely otherworldly life must have been among them.

Mana'i even visited Onu-Metru's archives in a bid to find confirming evidence - which she did, and wrote a paper on. Her colleagues readily dismissed the idea, though, thinking she was just desperate for attention.

This incensed Mana'i enough to quit her job and move to Ga-Metru, where she earned a further scientific degree in archaeology and anthropology before taking on a job as a researcher in a university. Here, she hoped that she would be taken a little more seriously following some proper educated investigation. She was not. Her seniors read over the evidence she found for her papers, but remained unconvinced, frustrating the Matoran even more.

One day, though, Mana'i received a surprising visitor to her office in the form of Toa Gali Nuva, who asked to hear her research. At the end of her talk, while Gali did not confirm or deny the truth of her findings, she revealed that she'd come to see her not for her findings, but her willingness to pursue the truth despite overwhelming resistance - a trait she felt was of utmost importance to a Toa. Gali bestowed upon the stunned Mana'i a Toa Stone and instructed her to bring it to the Great Temple the next day before leaving.

That was how the six that were to become the New Toa Metru met. Placing their stones into the Shrine, the six ascended to Toahood together. For the next many years, Mana'i and her team fought hard to protect Metru Nui. In between, though, Mana'i was more than eager to use her new powers to explore Spherus Magna, travelling round the planet in search of artifacts that might prove her theory, often between battles.

Events eventually culminated in a battle with a remnant of the Brotherhood of Makuta, Dynax, who wielded the power to tear open portals of shadow and summon forth entities from within. This was where Mana'i, for a very brief moment, found exactly the validation she'd been looking for. One of Dynax's portals summoned forth a platoon of humanoid flesh and blood creatures covered in scales and wielding weaponry that fired purple energy. Jem'hadar, to the educated. Momentarily distracted by the sight, Mana'i was not prepared when Dynax opened a portal of shadow directly beneath her. The last thing she can recall is the panicked shouts of her brothers and sister in arms, and falling. And falling.