Ensign Nimah
Name Nimah Prenn
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Sex | Female | |
Species | Cardassian | |
Age | 24 | |
Pronouns | She/Her | |
Place of Birth | Suraya Bay General Hospital, Suraya Bay, Risa |
Physical State
Height | 5'4" | |
Weight | 143 lbs | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Nimah is an attractive young Cardassian woman with dark gray skin and scales, Cardassian scale ridges stand out prominently on her head. Her eyes are a deep, shade of amber and seem to constantly be gleaming with playfulness and intelligence, which tends to draw people in whenever she looks at them. Her uniform is always well kept and neat wherever possible, with her chestnut brown hair tied into a neat ponytail when on duty. Off duty, however, she prefers to keep it loose and flowing down her shoulders. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Glinn Duvat Zalos (deceased) | |
Mother | Roja Zelos (deceased) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Nimah is easily one of the most not-that-Cardassian Cardassians one might ever meet. Friendly, bubbly and gregarious, very much more like a Risian than a Cardassian (surprise, surprise, she grew up there!) it's pretty hard not to like her. Usually, anyway. |