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Fri Mar 14th, 2025 @ 12:52pm

Lieutenant JG Eris sh'Rhavar

Name Eris sh'Rhavar

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Sex Shen
Species Andorian
Age 25
Pronouns she/ her
Summary Eris is outgoing and engaging. She uses her life experiences to project positivity and empathy while understanding that she is responsible for her duty assignment and Starfleet.
Place of Birth Lika, Andoria

Physical State

Height 1.5m
Weight 57kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description petite, athletic build, traditional Andorian tattoos (hidden by uniform)


Spouse None
Children Unable to bear children - See Biography
Father Unknown – ward of the Andorian Government; see bio
Mother Unknown – ward of the Andorian Government; see bio
Brother(s) Unconfirmed
Sister(s) Unconfirmed
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eris is witty and truthful; she speaks her mind but has the presence of bearing. She has also been described as outgoing and engaging.
Strengths & Weaknesses S – loyalty to Starfleet and protecting her shipmates

W – cynical nature regarding non-platonic relationships
Ambitions To have her own ship someday
Hobbies & Interests Good drink and good friends; loves cooking for others/ entertaining

Languages Basic and Andorian
Personal History Not much is known of Eris's life before she came into the care of the Andorian government. At the approximate age of three, she was turned over to a government orphanage in Lor’Vela, the Andorian capital. She remained a Ward of the Government until she reached early adulthood. Several of the caretakers at the orphanage and Eris’s appointed case manager made it very clear to Eris that she was expected to contribute to society once she was released from the orphanage. However, she was not prepared for the caste hierarchy of Andorian society.

Feeling she had no other options, Eris enlisted in the Andorian Homeworld Security Service and was first assigned to the Northern Wastes region. Most service members saw this desolate, nearly uninhabitable region of Andoria as a less-than-desirable posting. Instead of accepting her position as a pariah, Eris took up the challenge and made the most of her time there. She was taught how to fly several varieties of shuttlecraft while posted there, from ground-effect skimmers to small atmospheric shuttles. Armed with this training, Eris applied for a transfer to the Denas Starport as a shuttle pilot. However, she was rejected for this position and assigned to a security monitoring station in Barva Castle, a long-forgotten and rarely used fortress on the northern edge of the continent Voral.

To say that Eris was miserable during this time is an understatement. She was assigned to monitor a surveillance network and, by her supervisor's order, could no longer fly or operate vehicles. However, during the long, tedious hours of monitoring, Eris began to investigate her other options. On a whim, she applied to Starfleet Academy, hoping to become a small-craft pilot. She was chided and shamed for living beyond her position in life by her peers and supervisors, but Eris didn’t give in. She took the entrance exam and was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Her time at the academy was life-changing. Eris was surrounded by generally positive and helpful classmates, and she was beginning to understand what it was like to have a purpose in life. She majored in Advanced Astrophysical Navigation and Computer Programming. One of her elective courses, however, would change her life and become a lifelong passion: Culinary Arts.

Eris fell in love with cooking, especially for others. She began hosting small get-togethers for her tight-knit friends, often cooking to a theme. Her “Food of the Himalayas” nights were always popular.

During her third year, Eris volunteered for a “cadet’s cruise” aboard the USS Perry, an Okinawa-class Frigate. Eris was assigned to the Navigation department for the cruise and shadowed Perry’s Beta Shift Navigator. She demonstrated her piloting abilities and was allowed to serve as a shuttle pilot for an Away Mission under the watchful eye of Perry’s Chief Navigator. Eris was excited at the prospect nonetheless. The mission was simple: transfer repair parts and several technicians to a Federation Research Station.

A faulty plasma conduit, however, in the shuttle’s starboard nacelle erased Eris’s excitement. The nacelle exploded, killing the technicians and crippling the shuttle. The shuttle crashed on the planet despite Eris’s best efforts to land the stricken vessel. On impact, the shuttle's cockpit was skewered by multiple large, native tree-like fungi. One of the branches also skewered Eris. The Chief Navigator was able to communicate with the outpost and summoned assistance. After a lengthy rescue operation, Eris was extracted from the wreckage and rushed to Perry’s Sick Bay. But the damage had been done. Despite Perry’s Chief Medical Officer’s best efforts, the physical trauma to Eris’s body was too extensive. Her reproductive organs were damaged beyond repair. In short, she would no longer be able to produce eggs for fertilization. Although not betrothed to a group, Eris was devastated by this exclusion from Andorian society.

Upon her return to Academy life, Eris’s friends reported a noticeable change in Eris’s demeanor and attitude. She poured herself into her studies but developed an unhealthy tendency to isolate herself, withdrawing for days at a time. Her friends, rightly concerned, attempted to intercede but were met with hostility. Rather than push the issue, they got Eris’s Academy advisor involved. The officer, once fully briefed on the situation, got assistance from the Medical and Counselling Staff of the Academy. All parties concerned staged an intervention and successfully got Eris some much-needed help. Soon, Eris was working towards resuming her life. Eris was able to connect with a support group of other affected Andorians, which, coupled with regular counseling sessions, began to change her outlook on the future.
Service Record Eris persevered and graduated in the middle 1/3 of her academy class. Her first assignment was to Outpost Gamma Three Epsilon, near the Neutral Zone, where she served as an Operations Officer. However, after 6 months of relative inactivity, Eris requested and received a transfer to the Light Cruiser USS Columbia, where she was billeted as a navigator assigned to Gamma Shift. As a member of the Operations Division, Eris did double duty as a Small-Craft Pilot. At first, she was reticent about flying again. But, with the assistance of Columbia’s Counseling Staff, Eris was able to overcome this obstacle and get behind the controls again.

She served two years on the Columbia, rising to Beta Shift before departing for her next assignment. Her fitness reports indicated she was an excellent junior officer, ready for more responsibility. Next, Eris was assigned to Starbase 23, filling an Operations Officer billet. She was initially unhappy with this assignment. A conversation with her Assignments Controller changed everything. The controller explained that an Operations assignment was necessary along the journey to Eris’s ultimate goal of commanding her own ship. Eris made the best of the assignment and committed herself to the role.

Eris’s dedication and commitment to her assignment were rewarded in her next orders. She was assigned to the Sabre-class Light Cruiser USS Sentry (NCC-61890) as a junior Navigator and Fourth Officer. The Sentry was assigned patrol duties along the Cardassian DMZ, which saw her engage in multiple combat engagements against smugglers and pirates. Eris performed her duties exceptionally, earning several commendations from the Captain. In addition to her Navigator duties, Eris was assigned Command duties for the first time, as she was responsible for overseeing the fitness reports for two Ensigns and several enlisted crewmembers. She established herself as a fair and competent supervisor throughout this assignment.

Despite Eris’s desire to remain with the fleet, she was posted to Starbase Cerebus instead at the end of her three years on the Sentry. Here, she served as a member of the Strategic Operations staff of Admiral V’Lek, Maxia Sector Command. She served in several capacities, including piloting the Admiral’s Yacht. As a result of exemplary service to the Admiral, he recommended Eris for the next available Chief Navigator billet on her final fitness report.

During this time, Eris also formed a close friendship with T'preth, a Vulcanoid Rigellian, and Kate Lambert, a human, both assigned to the Strategic Operations Staff. The trio were seemingly inseparable - even taking leave together on multiple occasions. Eris shared the recommendation with her friends, and they, in return, agreed with the Admiral’s assessment and urged her to apply for a Chief Navigator’s billet.

2387 - Entered Starfleet Academy; Upon Graduation, commissioned as Ensign, Operations Division; Assigned to Outpost Gamma Three Epsilon.

2391 - Transferred to USS Columbia (NCC-2200); Assigned as Navigator, Gamma Shift- Additional duties as Small Craft Pilot.

2394 - Assigned to Starbase 23; Assigned as Operations Officer. Promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade).

2396 - Assigned to USS Sentry; Assigned as junior Navigator - additional duties as Fourth Officer.

2399 - Assigned to Strategic Operations Staff, Maxia Sector Command - additional duties as Admiral’s Small Craft Pilot

2402 - Applied for Chief Navigator’s Billet