Chaplain Lucreavus Palu
Name Lucreavus Palu
Position Chaplain
Rank Chaplain
Character Information
Sex | Male | |
Species | El-Aurian | |
Age | 700ish | |
Summary | A fiend and a grump, but also one of the most eminently and broadly qualified religious figures in the Galaxy. |
Physical State
Height | 187cm | |
Weight | 72kg | |
Hair Color | Brown (Greying) | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Scruffy, unkempt, and in a perpetual state of dishevelment, Lucreavus is a wiry older man, who appears almost entirely human and somewhere between fifty and seventy years old. It is generally expected that El-Aurians look much better at his age, but he hasn't taken care of himself. He keeps his hair short, and usually manages to trim his facial hair before it gets too unruly. His dark brown hair is mostly overtaken by silver now, though somehow his eyebrows have retained their color. He is a slightly jittery man, and his hands shake slightly most of the time. His dress sense is simple, usually warm, and doesn't follow any particular trends or patterns. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Lucreavus is a grump. He complains at the Olympic level. He's fond of humour, but isn't particularly good at it, though he does throw out the occasional dad joke. Though he can be blunt, he has no patience for undeserved unkindness or incompetence. His El-Aurian abilities make him particularly adept at getting to the core of others, though they have been significantly dulled by centuries of unhealthy conduct. He seems bitter and ungrateful most of the time, but this is usually an act. As a professional habit, he sums things and people up and breaks them down fairly quickly, and isn't fond of opinions that differ from his own, which is true of most who reach his age. His political and philosophical opinions are fairly simple, and this is one area where he isn't bothered by differences in others. He is non-violent, almost to a fault. He is principled to a point, but is happy to steal from those that don't need or deserve things, and lie to those who leave themselves vulnerable to and deserving of deception. Though he tries not to express it except through scripture, he enjoys helping others. He has few prejudices, and his smattering of religious convictions gives him a respect for life and liberty, to a point. He's surprisingly fond of small talk, and in spite of his more flexible morals in other areas, would never betray a confidence. He remembers slights better than his own behaviour, but he's very forgiving, if he feels forgiveness is warranted. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Well-versed in almost every faith and philosophical persuasion in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Lucreavus is very good at understanding the perspectives of others and the minutiae of foreign cultures and belief systems. He has friends, or at least the descendants of friends in every backwater system, and even some of the nicer parts of the Galaxy. He prides himself on his ability to discover and verify authenticity, both in individuals and in things, given that it has been his primary source of income for the last little while. He's quite good at offering counsel to the troubled, due to his prodigious religious education and his natural listening skills. He's good at making friends, if he tries. He's been addicted to everything, only to kick it and relapse later. He's somehow survived centuries of substance abuse, though every now and then he takes it too far. As a result of his various abuses he's forgotten many of the finer points and some of the larger details of his life, though he has a pretty good idea of what he has or hasn't done. In spite of his addictive personality, he has an excellent work ethic and will never let fun get in the way of what needs to be done. Some slight kleptomania, and an occasional bout of paranoia and instability, though nothing that would ever be a physical danger to others. He has a terrible temper, though it takes a great deal to get him going. He has a lot of trouble ever accepting that he's wrong about anything. His memory is spotty, to say the least. He is hopeless with weapons and doesn't like them, though his years as an appraiser have made him very good at identifying and valuing them. |
Ambitions | None, really. He's just amazed he's survived this long. Whenever he can find good drinks and good company he's pretty happy. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Lucreavus quite enjoys administering the various religious practices with which he's well acquainted, and will often run ceremonies even if there's nobody else around. He reads, and has a particular fondness for all forms of pre-holographic entertainment. He doesn't like holograms. He enjoys playing cards, though it's rare for anyone to want to play with him for long, given his natural talents. He's a relatively simple man and has relatively simple pleasures. He just likes to keep busy, mostly. |
Languages | More than 20 well, more than 90 badly. | |
Personal History | Much of it is blurry, even to him, but he knows that his mother was a member of a respected El-Aurian household and his father was a silver tongued servant. They fled when her family forbid their union, taking a warp shuttle to wherever they would be safe, and eventually arriving on Earth in the late 1600s. He was the only child of their union, his mother died in childbirth, though he survived. He was largely abandoned by his father when he was a teenager. What became of him even Lucreavus doesn't know. He remained on Earth, working with charitable organizations where records weren't important and his agelessness wouldn't be noticed. He found his niche as a Christian reverend, locals would literally line up around the block to confess to him, though he wasn't especially pious or inspiring. When his lack of aging became noticable every eight years or so, he would move on to a new parish. When humans finally developed warp travel he left to explore the rest of the local galaxy. At this point the details become hazy, but as well as providing religious services, he learned basic engineering, parts replication and appraising replicated and original parts and products. |
Service Record | He holds or has held the following titles: The Reverend of Saint James The Bishop of Kingston (Defrocked) The Reverend of Fairbanks Shepherd of the United Exochurch Elder of the Mission OT-VIII Holy Brother of the Galactic Lifechurch Father of the Adamite Bretheren Prylar of the Vedeks Vedek of the Prophets Truthspeaker of the Sha-Ka-Ree Brotherhood Licensed Priest of the First Amalgamated Church |