
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 2:15pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Linda Chau

Name Linda Chau

Position Signals Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Human
Age 53

Physical State

Height 5' 4"
Weight 50kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Linda isn't quite as fast on the LCARS interface as she used to be, but she's still very capable and keeps herself active.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Linda is friendly, warm and sociable. She is an eager volunteer and supportive colleague who will instinctively go out of her way to help others. She will do her best to remember and acknowledge birthdays and other significant dates for her colleagues.

She is very competitive and likes to win, preferring card games and other low impact, primarily mental pursuits. She has amassed a small fortune in Dabo winnings, and she's not to be trifled with at the tongo table.

Personal History Linda trained as a teacher and worked in a Federation school on the Archer IV colony, where she met and married her husband, a freighter captain. After the youngest of her four children was fully grown, Linda decided she wanted to see the galaxy and enlisted in Starfleet.