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Sun Mar 16th, 2025 @ 10:18am

Captain Rovak

Name Rovak

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Vulcan
Age 101
Summary As Vulcans go, Rovak is one of the more personable ones, but still faultlessly logical. He is a security and tactical officer who has dedicated almost a century of Vulcan ability towards talent in those areas. Being appointed first officer of a talented but somewhat distracted captain in 2395 threw him into the deep end of command, but after almost a decade he has become comfortable and capable as the commander of a Starfleet crew.

Physical State

Height 6' 3"
Weight 95kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Rovak does not conform to traditional Vulcan grooming standards, and instead adopts a culturally non-specific style chosen in conjunction with Starfleet barbers. For almost all of the 24th century he wore a goatee beard, but he has discontinued this style since the start of the new century, and instead shaves daily.

Physically he is in excellent condition for a Vulcan centenarian, a state comparable to a competitive athletic human in their late 40’s. He keeps himself fit with a combination of cardiovascular exercise, Vulcan martial arts and holodeck adventuring.

He has allergies to the Vulcan staple plomeek, as well as retinax treatments. As a result he wears glasses for long periods of reading, and consumes a non-vegetarian diet. He has one artificial kidney as a result of an injury from the Dominion War, but no other long term injuries or ailments.


Spouse Dr T'Ret (Divorced), Surtha Zhai (Missing)
Children Shurlok - 31, Chief Engineer, Haumea Colony
T'Shan - 14, student
Father Captain Sotek (Deceased)
Mother T'Maru
Brother(s) Retesk
Sister(s) T'Lu
Other Family Granddaughter

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rovak maintains the stoic Vulcan calm of kolinahr and as such has a permanent poker-face beyond the occasional subtle eyebrow expression.

Despite this he is well-known to be affable and supportive, as well as interested in and well-adapted to other cultures and ways of communicating. Since the birth of his granddaughter, a half-Bajoran, he has learned to simulate emotions to assist her development.

He speaks plainly and does all he can to avoid subtext, complication and prevarication except where demanded by his role.
He believes in the Vulcan concept of martial honour and takes his family’s honour seriously, being fully aware of how he has damaged it in the past through his rejection of Vulcan custom.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Capable leader
+ Physically fit and resilient
+ Keen investigative mind

- Minimal STEM knowledge and skills
- Cynical and often suspicious
- Obstinate when decided
Ambitions Rovak is content with the responsibilities of command and raising his daughter. He hopes one day to find his wife, who was lost in interphase in the 2390s.
Hobbies & Interests Rovak enjoys spending time with his family most of all, but when this is not possible he will hike, explore and climb real or holographic surrounds, though he also enjoys time spent with friends and enjoying all the culture that local society has to offer. He has been a holophotographer for most of his adult life, and has also trained in his down-time to be a qualified lawyer, though he has never practiced professionally.

He is a keen martial artist and survivalist, he has competed across the federation in mixed-martial arts and studied with masters on a number of worlds and on the holodeck. He has practiced the Vulcan combat discipline of suus-manha since childhood, and is a qualified master of the art, as well as Vulcan neuropressure.

Languages Vulcan (Lower Golic) - Fluent
English (Federation Standard) - Fluent
Klingon (Standard) - Proficient
Romulan (Rhiannsu) - Conversational
Ferengi (Trade pidgin) - Conversational
Personal History YOUTH

Rovak was born in the middle-months of the first year of the 24th century. He was an unremarkable child with the exception of an allergy to plomeek, which his mother compensated for by serving him a non-vegetarian diet to ensure he got all the nutrition normally derived from the nutritive succulent.

His family was well-regarded in Vulcan society owing to generations of service in Starfleet, but when the time came for him to be paired with another Rovak refused to be telepathically joined to his betrothed. She was a girl named T’Ret from a significantly higher social standing. His refusal shamed the family, creating a minor scandal that resulted in his mother’s dismissal from the Vulcan science academy.

During adolescence he reached a developmental plateau in his STEM skills, and it became quickly apparent that he would not be pursuing a career in the sciences. His parents agreed to send him to a Federation school rather than a traditional Vulcan learning institute, and he thrived in sports, history and legal studies. He also found a particular niche in mixed martial arts, where his Vulcan strength and speed proved an advantage, but not to the extent he had expected.


His first application to Starfleet was rejected, citing his average grades outside of his specialties, with the guidance counsellors suggesting real-world experience before re-application. Rovak considered studying the law and forgetting about Starfleet.

When an opportunity arose he undertook an apprenticeship as a private investigator for an Orion firm, he found himself travelling throughout the quadrant investigating missing persons, accusations of fraud and other mysteries. He found he excelled in the role, and after six years of experience he re-applied to Starfleet and entered the security track.

His early career was uneventful, a decade orbiting Earth gave him a chance to explore the planet and get to know its people better, he discovered he got on well with his fellow officers and became enjoined in the social life of the station. His next two assignments were patrol missions along the Romulan border and mostly uneventful, though he did earn a promotion to Junior Lieutenant aboard the Hawking.

As a Lieutenant he was now in demand for assistant chief positions, and served aboard a number of ships until he was promoted to Chief of Security on the Pike. His tours had been relatively standard with all the usual highs and lows of starfleet life, but nothing especially interesting ever happened other than some strange psychedelic adventures, timeloops and tense tactical situations. In 2367 the banality of Starfleet life he seemed to have settled into came to an end when his previous posting the Pike and his father's ship the Ganymede had been destroyed at Wolf 359.

Rovak was assigned to the USS Intrepid, namesake of its class for its launch. While he thrived and began to take no command duties on the Intrepid, the outbreak of the Dominion War saw him assigned to the hospital ship McCoy, where he served with distinction and earned a purple heart for a wound that cost him a kidney. It was later replaced with a synthetic that he finds agreeable. After the destruction of the McCoy in 2374, he was temporarily reassigned to Deep Space Four as as a strat ops consultant.


In the aftermath Rovak was assigned to Starbase 118 to manage strategic operations in the relatively unstable Medraan Cluster. He was briefly married to his former betrothed T'Ret, the result of chemical manipulation by his jilted former fiancee. The brief but fraudulent relationship resulted in a son, Starfleet quickly discovered that T'Ret had been utilising Rovak's clearances to provide classified information to family members. Though Rovak was given custody of the boy by Vulcan courts, T'Ret disappeared with Shurlok into a temporal experiment.

Shurlok could not safely leave until he was fully grown. When his son finally did escape at the age of 17 (only a few years after he'd entered as an infant), he disappeared out into the wider galaxy in the merchant marine, though Rovak used his resources to keep an eye on him.

After the SB118 assignment he went on to perhaps the most significant of his career, the USS Nimitz, where he would meet his future wife.

Although their relationship began frostily, Rovak developed a shared affection with the ship's Andorian Ops officer, Surtha Zhai. Eventually the two would marry after the decommissioning of the Nimitz. Together they went on to serve aboard the Sojourner, one of Starfleet's early quantum slipstream success stories. During one of their missions in deep space they saved a race of interdimensional beings from extinction, and in return they turned Rovak's wife into a higher being. The changes made to her caused her to conceive and gestate offspring in an afternoon, a half-Vulcan half-Andorian child with a unique biological makeup. Together they raised her in a pocket dimension while no time passed outside, but after four years it became apparent that Surtha's place was among the interdimensional beings, and though it broke her heart to leave her family, she had no choice as the beings departed our plain.

Rovak returned to the Sojourner with his daughter, and raised her as best he could, given his assignments would sometimes take him away for weeks at a time. His son Shurlok, now a starfleet officer, helped to raise the girl, taking reassignment at the base his father's ship would be based out of. Rovak finally gained the ability to raise his daughter full-time when he was assigned aboard Starbase 51 in the Gamma Quadrant. It was here that he first met Oriath Velt, who assigned him as First Officer at Admiral Reardon's recommendation. The Caitian Captain would go on to be a feature of Rovak's life for most of the remaining century.


His relationship with Velt was disastrous up until the kidnapping of a Founder Ambassador by Starfleet Marine insurgents on Starbase 51. Whatever enmity had built up between them prior to the event disappeared immediately when the two came together effectively to retrieve the Founder and stop the marines. The bombastic Velt wouldn't be parted from his Vulcan XO until his eventual retirement in 2398. Shortly after Velt's retirement, the command Rovak had inherited from him, the USS Mercury was destroyed defending Ferenginar in the one-week war, though all aboard survived.

Rovak next took an assignment on Earth with Starfleet Security at the personal request of Commodore Oh. Rovak would later find evidence that the Commodore had ordered assassinations of foreign dignitaries and threatened starfleet crews with execution for non-compliance. When he finally brought his accusations before an inquest, all his witnesses recanted on the stands, and his case collapsed.

Rovak went into seclusion on Vulcan within hours of the inquest in early 2399, and would not emerge until the end of the year, when news was brought to him that Oh's treachery had been discovered, and he had been vindicated. He returned to service as the First Officer of the Hercules, assigned to assist the Aventine Subsector, a large area of Romulan territory seceding to the Federation. The ship's Captain, a Romulan, stole the Prometheus-class ship's saucer and disappeared inside a month of their assignment. Six months later they found the saucer with her resignation from Starfleet. Rovak took charge and resumed the mission, keeping the subsector safe until the time it needed to join the Federation had elapsed.

After the success of the Hercules' mission, Starfleet chose to keep Rovak within Romulan space, offering him the command of the distant and newly surrendered Port Dreizhen, to be officially recommissioned as Deep Space 13 by Starfleet.
Service Record 2324 - Enrolled in Starfleet Academy
2327 - Graduation in Operations branch, specialised in security and tactical with honours in legal studies and tactics
2327 - Earth Spacedock - Security Officer
2337 - USS Mathlaxx, NCC 2105, Miranda-class - Security Officer
2340 - USS Hawking, NCC 990 Oberth-class - Security/Tactical Officer
2342 - Promoted, Lieutenant JG
2345 - USS Sarek, NCC 14501 Ambassador-class - Assistant Chief of Tactical
2350 - USS Andoria, NCC 1200, Saladin-class - Assistant Chief Security Officer Officer
2355 - USS Stargazer, NCC 2893, Constellation-class - Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2360 - USS Pike, NCC 58015, Cheyenne-class - Assistant Chief Tactical Officer, promoted to Chief 2363
2365 - USS Lexington, NCC 62048, Nebula-class - Chief Tactical officer
2370 - USS Intrepid, NCC 74600, Intrepid-class - Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2372 - USS Scorpius, NCC 3339, Constellation-class - Chief SecTac
2373 - USS McCoy, NCC 76882, Olympic-class - Chief SecTac
2374 - Deep Space Four - Spacedock-class - Strategic Operations Officer
2376 - Starbase 118, Stardock-class - Chief Strategic Operations Officer
2380 - USS Nimitz, NCC 77701, Prometheus-class - Chief Security Officer
2383 - Promoted, Lieutenant
2385 - USS Sojourner, NX 80031, Sojourner-class - Chief SecTac
2390 - USS Nimitz, NXI-03, Nimitz II-class, Chief SecTac
2392 - USS Liberator, NCC 75635, Defiant-class - Chief SecTac
2394 - Field promotion to First Officer, USS Liberator
2395 - Starbase 51, Ithaca-class - First Officer
2397 - USS Mercury, NCC 74713 Intrepid-class - First Officer
2398 - USS Mercury, promoted to CO after Captain's retirement
2398 - Starfleet Security Command - Internal Investigations
2399 - Extended Leave
2400 - USS Hercules, NCC 77725, Prometheus-class, First Officer
2400 - USS Hercules, promoted to Commanding Officer
2402 - Deep Space 13, Commanding Officer