Ensign Abra Akzhouri
Name Abra Akzhouri
Position Assistant Chief Navigator
Second Position Flight Control Chief
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Sex | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 24 |
Physical State
Height | 5' 3" | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Abra has a number of scars and abrasions across her upper legs and lower back from childhood that she has chosen not to repair. She is fit from gymnastic practices which she maintains in the safety of the holodeck. She has dispensation to wear a water-retaining survival undersuit and division-colored headscarf, which is a cultural tradition from her three-sunned homeworld Setareh VII. |
Brother(s) | Dr Nadhir Akzhouri |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Abra is a cheeky and engaging extrovert whose passion for flight is matched only by her passion for engineering, studying the manufacture of a personal warp-racer in her spare time. She is a curious atheist who maintains the water discipline of her desert homeworld as a matter of personal honour. |