
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 3:00pm

Ambassador Oriath Velt

Name Oriath Velt

Position Federation Ambassador-at-Large

Rank Ambassador

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Caitian
Age 65

Physical State

Physical Description Currently trim and healthy, Velt spent much of his middle age in poor condition owing to overindulgence, and after a second heart attack he was finally scared into restraint.

His mane greyed shortly into his 63rd year, and his fur is slowly starting to go too.


Spouse Ambassador Tyell Orliss (Host deceased, symbiote transferred)
Children Ginka Velt (40)
Oldreth Velt (38)
Ensign Masdri Meche (Stepdaughter, 20)
Rom K'Ress (4)
Sister(s) 5 sisters

Personality & Traits

General Overview Charming, bombastic and often outrageous, Oriath Velt is larger than life and friends with everyone important. A former Captain, Velt is a commanding and unmistakable presence.

He is also somewhat restrained by parenthood, as single parent to a four-year-old quarter-Kzinti son who bites all the starfleet nannies.