
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 2:36pm

Ensign Talar Thayn

Name Talar Thayn

Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Andorian
Age 21

Physical State

Physical Description Talar is fairly unremarkable other than that she is one of the new subspecies of sexually dimorphic Andorians, a radical late-24th-century solution to save the naturally four-party breeding species from approaching extinction.

She darkens and trims her eyebrows.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Talar grew up on Alpha Centauri, and has very little connection to her people's culture. Her personality is still developing, but she can seem detached and uninterested, in truth she's just not especially passionate, though she is very competent and enjoys the challenge of her work.

She has a dark sense of humour and a taste for gossip, while she's naturally very introverted she still has few hobbies beyond spending time with close friends.