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Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 3:40am

Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol

Name Ayol

Position CO's Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Vorta (Epsilon)
Age 12

Physical State

Height 5' 8"
Weight 65kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Ayol looks much like all Vorta do, but as an Epsilon-strain Vorta he has DNA elements from a number of Alpha Quadrant species, resulting in his pointed Vulcan-like ears, and other less obvious features. The Epsilon were intended as a way to bridge the cultural gaps between the Dominion and Federation, and are a much longer-lived and more individualistic breed, assigned to serve Starfleet.

Ayol also looks much more youthful than most of his people, something he credits to a skincare regime.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Ayol is enthusiastic, hard-working and very clever, but also somewhat naive and unobservant of social standards. Like all Vorta he is somewhat fanatical in his devotions, and while he still reveres the Founders as Gods, his loyalty to Starfleet and the Federation is literally imprinted in his DNA.

He is endlessly curious and very sociable, though his behaviour can be a little odd, and his interests and hobbies can be mercurial.

Personal History The original Ayol line were an older model of Vorta assigned to serve the Dominion Embassy during the normalization of relations in the early 2390s, when Starfleet established Starbase 51 on the other side of the wormhole. After a Founder Ambassador was kidnapped by insurgents and recovered by Starfleet, the Dominion decided to continue the Ayol line as a new 'Epsilon' breed of Vorta, using genetic advantages from the species on the other side of the wormhole.

The Epsilon-breed Ayol, along with a squad of Jem'Hadar and a few other Vorta, were offered to Captain Oritath Velt, the commander of Starbase 51 and his XO Rovak as a gesture of gratitude. Following discussions with the Federation Council, an agreement was made to integrate the Jem'Hadar and Vorta into Starfleet, which led to revisions in Starfleet's genetic engineering policy.

The Vorta and Jem'Hadar adapted well to their new roles within Starfleet, but after the reassignment of the CO to another ship, the Jem'hadar and Vorta were dispersed across the fleet.

Ayol was greatly enriched by being separated from his fellow servants of the Dominion, and developed a distinct personality in his time apart.

When Commander Rovak returned to Starfleet in mid 2400, Starfleet granted Ayol's request to be redeployed alongside the man the Founders created him to serve.