Petty Officer 3rd Class Atrali
Name Atrali
Position Gunnery Specialist
Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class
Character Information
Sex | Male | |
Species | Aurelian | |
Age | 31 |
Physical State
Height | 6' 2" | |
Weight | 74kg | |
Hair Color | Blue and yellow plumage | |
Eye Color | Lemon | |
Physical Description | A wingless Aurelian, Atrali has tropical plumage that grows even more vibrant during mating season. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Atrali is eager and hardworking, but his intrusive avian nature and loud voice make him somewhat off-putting. He can be sycophantic and excessively deferential to his superiors, on and off-duty. |