
  • 1 Mission Posts

Warrant Officer David Ramírez

Name David Ramírez

Position Structural/Environmental Specialist

Rank Warrant Officer

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Human
Age 45

Physical State

Height 5' 8"
Weight 77kg
Hair Color Black (Greying)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Physically fit, but starting to sag as is common with middle-aged human males, David is content enough with where he is in life to let himself go a little.


Spouse Teresa Ramírez
Children Isaac Ramírez (14)
Isabelle Ramírez (10)
Noah Ramírez (5)
Father Christopher Ramírez
Mother Miranda Ramírez-Acosta

Personality & Traits

General Overview David is cool, calm and reliable, with a passionate nature. He can be jocular and sarcastic, and known to play the occasional harmless prank. He puts all his effort into everything, and is a keen dancer, chef and engineer.

Above all else his greatest joy is spending time with his family.