
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 2:36pm

Doctor Tref

Name Tref

Position Stellar Cartographer

Rank Doctor

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Decapodian
Age 40

Physical State

Physical Description Tref is the only known member of his species, who seem to be crustacean in nature. He is covered in an exoskeleton with a cephalopod-like head and soft, prehensile appendages emerging from the region above his mouth. His arms end in crab-like pincers which are surprisingly dexterous. He tends to use his mouth tentacles to operate lcars panels, to the chagrin of his coworkers.

He has been known to shoot ink defensively.

He speaks with an accent that has been described as close to Yiddish.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Tref is friendly and knowledgable, but quite instinctively cowardly, reacting to any threat by retreating or shooting ink. Despite his vast knowledge of his field, he seems to misunderstand and confuse the nature of mammalian species quite often, to unintentionally humorous results.

He longs to know more about his people.

Personal History Tref was found in stasis in what seems to have been his youth, and raised by scientists on Betazed.