
  • 1 Mission Posts

Lieutenant JG Fink

Name Fink

Position General Practitioner

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Ferengi
Age 42

Physical State

Height 5' 4"
Weight 70kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Fink has remarkably straight teeth for a Ferengi, which he was always teased about as a child.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Fink is sneaky, acquisitive and lecherous, but enough of a professional to restrain his Ferengi impulses. His sympathy for others is generally mild at best, but he does a good enough impression of a caring healer to have succeeded in his chosen field.

He does not attempt to hide his true nature or his intentions to one day return to Ferenginar with his acquired unspent replicator credits to open private practice as an esteemed Starfleet-trained Doctor.