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Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 2:54am

Llaudh Drusilla Creon

Name Drusilla Creon

Position Romulan Free State Ambassador

Second Position Ambassador

Rank Llaudh

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Romulan/Vulcan
Age 44

Physical State

Height 169cm
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Drusilla was often told, and is often reminded, that she is the spitting image of her mother. She is slightly taller than average, and of a healthy weight for her size. She has been described as busty, but this is simply her body's natural metabolic state. She is paler than most of her kind, though her dark hair is fairly typical.

She is naturally lightly freckled. Her movements are deliberate, yet graceful, the result of a childhood dedicated to the cruel art of Romulan ballet. She keeps her hair long, finding the traditional Romulan bob distasteful.


Children Rhianha Creon (14)
Father Lucius Creon (Deceased)
Mother L'Tol (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Drusilla has had many careers over which to develop a professional persona that is warm yet authoritative, distant yet aware. After a lifetime as a spy, assassin, starfleet officer and Romulan commander, diplomacy becomes Drusilla, who has spent her life harnessing the ability to control the perceptions and opinions of others. Few ever see anything but the maintained mask of Romulan pride.

As an individual she is deeply cynical and vaguely haunted, but without any associated depressive or anxiety issues. In truth she misses her life in Starfleet more than anything, but she finds righteous purpose in serving the Free State. She does not mince words of suffer fools in her private life, but has a dry sense of humor and a appreciation for plants and good friends. She endeavors to keep the more negative aspects of her personality from coming to her daughter's awareness.
Strengths & Weaknesses Drusilla is strong-willed, methodical and extremely thorough. Though she has little in the way of aptitude for maths or sciences, she is an excellent judge of character and has a great deal of emotional intelligence. She is also a very talented actor and liar when she needs to be. Physically, she was once in peak condition, but now only maintains a moderate level of fitness. She has been called a master of disguise, and this is not undeserved. Her time amongst other cultures and her training has left her with an ear for languages, though she speaks only a couple.

Some of her Romulan traits prove difficult for Drusilla to ignore or control, and her Vulcan blood calls on a lot of her attention to control. She has no talent for numbers or hard science, and the complexities of computers and starships escape her, with the exception of starship weapons. She is notoriously stubborn and vengeful, which can cause friction with those she spends any length of time around.

She deeply resents her Vulcan heritage, and has a great deal of distaste for any allusions to it.
Ambitions To be a better parent than she had. To bring the Free State into the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Drusilla attempts to make any situation into an activity, though there are times where she is content to lounge and relax. She enjoys anything from complicated holonovels to card games, and any sort of ball sport. Though she does not derive any particular pleasure from it, she often practices martial arts and weapons skills, for the sake of exercise and meditation. She enjoys reading. She enjoys caring for plants, though she doesn't particularly understand botany.

Personal History Federation records on Drusilla Creon are quite limited, but it is a matter of recorded fact that she is the daughter of Lucius Creon, one of the Empire's most effective and feared spymasters. Her mother was a Vulcan reunificationist about whom few records exist. Drusilla was arrested but released without charge in 2390 alongside the crew of the SS Fawkes, shortly afterwards she was recruited into Starfleet Intelligence.

In 2399 after the discovery of the Romulan infiltrator Nedar (known as Commodore Oh) in Starfleet Security, Drusilla's top secret credentials were revoked, and though she was not expelled from Starfleet, she chose to return to the Romulan Free State and put her skills to work there. Despite her pure intentions and the Free State's need of her, they chose to put her in charge of one of the most distant known Romulan outposts, an imitation Federation station once used for infiltration. Within the first two years of her assignment she learned that the Free State was surrendering the station, and reassigning her to represent it aboard the new Federation holding.