
  • 10 Mission Posts

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Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 2:03am

Navigator Korusca

Name Korusca

Position Navigation Officer

Second Position Astrogation Deputy

Rank Navigator

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Medusan
Age 1,009

Physical State

Height N/A 5' 7"
Weight N/A (50kg in hazard suit)
Hair Color None
Physical Description Korusca is a non-corporeal energy being that resembles a psychedelic flood of colour when viewed. The profound effects of the six-dimensional radiation he and all his kind emit can cause madness in most humanoid species when it enters their optical sense organs.

He is safely contained within a standard Starfleet encounter suit, which consists of an almost indestructible 'head' in which his essence is contained and grounded, supported by a relatively simple bipedial mobility skeleton, covered in a lightweight beige plastoid composite. Points of articulation in the skeleton have exposed systems, but it's components are all sturdier than those of most humanoids.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Korusca is a gentle and curious being, fascinated by the physical existence of corporeal beings.

The way he experiences time can cause conversations to become confusing if they get too in depth, but he enjoys listening to others, and remembers everything he is told, to a fault.