Counselor Rufen Erebar
Name Rufen Erebar
Position Psychiatrist
Rank Counselor
Character Information
Sex | Male | |
Species | El-Aurian | |
Age | 314 |
Physical State
Height | 5' 5" | |
Weight | 75kg | |
Hair Color | Brown (Greying) | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Only fellow El-Aurians seem to recognise him as anything but human, the only remarkable thing Rufen is how hirsute he is. He usually sports a fairly substantial beard. After three centuries he's decided to age gracefully, and he's been going grey since the start of the 24th century. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | It's been said he could talk the legs off a chair, but Rufen is also an excellent listener. He uses humour even when it isn't totally appropriate, and likes to think he can make a joke out of anything that isn't at someone else's expense. He engenders a great deal of trust from others. Despite his cheerful and energetic demeanour, he carries a deep and well-concealed sadness within him for all he and his people lost at the hands of the Borg. |