
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 10:14am

Marcus Grey Horse

Name Marcus Tashunka Grey Horse

Position Departed

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Human
Age 55
Summary A level-headed and responsible, if occasionally irreverent former-Master Chief turned mid-life Starfleet Cadet.

Physical State

Height 5' 8"
Physical Description Marcus is a strong middle-aged Lakota man.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Calm Under Pressure: Marcus is renowned for his calm demeanor, even in the most stressful situations. His ability to remain composed helps to reassure and stabilize the crew during crises.

Empathetic Leader: As Chief of the Port, Marcus is responsible for the well-being of the enlisted crew. His empathetic nature makes him approachable, and he is always willing to listen to the concerns of his crew members, offering support and guidance.

Strategic Thinker: Marcus possesses a keen strategic mind, essential for navigating the complexities of the Beta Quadrant. He is adept at anticipating potential threats and devising effective countermeasures, ensuring the safety and security of Deep Space 13.

Cultural Ambassador: Marcus takes pride in sharing his cultural heritage with others. He often organizes cultural exchange programs and ceremonies aboard Deep Space 13, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect among the diverse crew.

Resilient and Determined: Life on the frontier of space exploration is fraught with challenges. Marcus’s resilience and determination are key to overcoming obstacles and inspiring his crew to persevere, no matter the odds.

Mentor and Teacher: Marcus is dedicated to the development of his crew. He takes on the role of mentor, imparting his knowledge and experience to the next generation of Starfleet personnel, ensuring they are well-prepared for the rigors of space service.
Hobbies & Interests In his free time, Marcus enjoys practicing traditional Lakota crafts, such as song and storytelling. He also has a passion for astronomy, often spending hours observing the stars and contemplating the vastness of the universe.

He loves sports, both watching and playing, even if he does more umpiring than competing these days for his own good. He practices Deltan yoga for physical and mental fitness.