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Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 2:32pm

Crewman Slar

Name Ohm-Etti Slar

Position Yeoman

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Gorn
Age 24

Physical State

Height 6' 6"
Weight 145kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Slar is an imposing example of a Gorn raised in an environment without predatory bloodshed.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Meticulous: Slar’s attention to detail is legendary. He organizes schedules with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker.
Loyal: Trustworthy to a fault, Slar is the confidant everyone needs but doesn’t deserve.
Curious: His inquisitive nature leads him to explore the quirks of the universe, from alien cultures to obscure technologies.
Strong: With the physical prowess of a Gorn, he’s the gentle giant who can also move a bulkhead if needed.
Diplomatic: Slar navigates interspecies interactions with the finesse of a seasoned diplomat.
Adaptable: Quick to adjust, he thrives in the unpredictable environment of Deep Space 13.
Friendly: Despite his imposing appearance, Slar’s warm demeanor makes him the starbase’s unofficial greeter.
Hobbies & Interests In his spare time, Slar enjoys studying xenobiology and practicing traditional Federation martial arts. He also has a fascination with human literature, often spending hours reading classic novels from Earth’s past.