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Fri Aug 23rd, 2024 @ 4:14pm

Staff Warrant Officer Umet'Okan

Name Umet'Okan

Position Master-at-Arms

Rank Staff Warrant Officer

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Jem'Hadar
Age 12

Physical State

Height 6' 5"
Weight 118kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Saffron
Physical Description Umet'Okan was among the first Epsilon Jem'Hadar to be born, a breed created to help relations with the Federation. Epislons are similar to the earlier generations in most respects, but they differ in their capacity for reason and recreation, as well as their lack of addiction to ketracel-white.

He is in excellent condition physically, even if he is considered a senior among Jem'Hadar. Inspired by Klingon fashions, he allows a beard to grow within the admittedly vague regulations, and dreads his long hair, keeping it tied while on duty.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Although he is usually stern and aloof, Umet'Okan does have a quiet curiosity about other individuals and cultures and does take opportunities to socialise, though usually only privately.

He is competitive and honorable, and has much greater control of his emotions than the previous generations of Jem'Hadar. He is quite fond of sports, particularly basketball.