
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 2:36pm

Ensign Iskvrrfth

Name Iskvrrfth

Position Language Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Sex Undifferentiated
Species Sheliak
Age 7

Physical State

Height 3' 4"
Hair Color None
Physical Description Iskvrrfth, or Isk as it is inevitably shortened to, is is a Sheliak altered radically by the hive into a relatively humanoid form, to improve relations with the unconnected minds of the Federation. He looks like a big cricket. He has a formidable exoskeleton and significant strength for a being his size.

The vocoder he uses to turn his complex Sheliak speech into something more easily understood by the universal translator gives him the deep and slightly sinister voice shared by most of his people's representatives.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Isk doesn't do smalltalk. Or big talk. Only work talk. Only his task.

He works 20 hours a day, which makes up for his somewhat disquieting presence.

His style of speech can seem aggressive or threatening, this is merely how his culture communicates.