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Fri Mar 14th, 2025 @ 7:48am

Lieutenant Commander Atna

Name Atna

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Vulcan
Age 47
Pronouns she / her
Summary Even among Vulcans, Atna is known as one of the higher end performers. An exobiologist by trade, Atna is a scientific generalist at the forefront of her field. While she is capable of something passing for affection with those she knows and considers friends, she can be unpleasantly and unrepentantly cold and condescending to others under her command or outside her interest or respect.
Place of Birth Gol, Vulcan

Physical State

Height 5' 7"
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Equatorial skintone, athletic, longer hair than most. No scars or tattoos or other identifying marks aside from birthmark shaped like a duck on her stomach.


Spouse Tos (Deceased)
Father T'Skau
Mother Atia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cold, but curious.

Atna tends to see most sentient beings in the workplace who allow themselves to be controlled by emotion (and also many Vulcans) as a higher order of animal, and as such tends not to rely on or trust them to any capacity greater than her work requires until they have proven themselves. This is not prejudice or superiority exactly, simply a logical determination that the most reliable and compatible minds for her to work with are logical ones she is familiar with, others tend to be less predictable in a way that disrupts her attempts to schedule herself and her work.

Socially she is much more inclined to involve herself with non-Vulcans, and has involved herself in the dramatic arts to enhance her ability to interact with others.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Logic
+Advanced scientific understanding
+ Perfectionistic

-/+ Workaholic

- Particular and snobby
- Responds poorly to emotions of others
- More interested in wild animals than sentient beings
- Inflexible, stubborn
- Can be unkind to subordinates
Ambitions Atna hopes her discoveries and work will prove noteworthy, she also hopes to find a satisfactory mate with whom to breed and raise offspring, though her standards are perhaps unrealistic.
Hobbies & Interests Atna runs to keep herself fit, as well as practicing Vulcan martial arts, though purely for exercise purposes, she is a strict pacifist. She has found recreation in theatrical participation, a technique that allows her to demonstrate emotions in a controlled manner, to better understand them and the others around her.

Personal History Atna is the first and only child of Sub-Administrator T’Skau of Higher Gol and Professor Atia of the Vulcan science institute. Born to a family already renowned for it’s achievements, Atia achieved all the goals set for her by her parents in childhood, and life was good. She was bonded telepathically with a mate chosen by her parents, but the boy did not survive his kass-wan ritual, leaving her free to choose her own destiny in that regard.

Atna would often wonder the planes of Gol, taking to impulse-cycle when old enough to drive one, always fascinated by the life that managed to survive the merciless Vulcan desert.

Atna studied at the Vulcan Science Academy, but after a decade of work as a researcher realized there was little to be done to distinguish herself in the field of local biology, and that the waitlist to apply for the expeditionary service was more than a decade. Instead, she decided to apply to Starfleet, attending the Academy for four years.

She served on a number of vessels before finally finding herself assigned to the USS Mercury’s biology department.