Doctor Intharia T'Zor
Name Intharia T'Zor
Position Multiversal Science Lead
Second Position Assistant Chief Science Officer
Rank Doctor
Character Information
Sex | Female | |
Species | Asari | |
Age | 265 | |
Pronouns | she / her | |
Summary | An asari from another universe, Intharia T’Zor is a skilled and eager scientist with more than two centuries of experience. She longs to get home, but also to make the most of her experience in this new and unusual reality. Despite being a keen socialite, she attempts to keep most others at an emotional distance due to their relatively short lifespans compared to her species, who naturally live for more than a millennium. | |
Place of Birth | Thessia |
Physical State
Height | 5' 8" | |
Hair Color | Dark brown | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Intharia, Thari to her friends, is a healthy Asari female, still relatively young by her people’s standards, still in the first or ‘maiden’ stage of development. Her complexion is light, she has a few freckle-like spots across her cheeks and forehead. She has a light pair of eyebrows, believed to be a genetic gift from her human grandfather, but is otherwise hairless to the same extent of all her people. She has a few gunshot scars in her left arm. Despite her people’s natural proclivity to telekinetic abilities she has limited training and knowledge of those powers, though she has previously utilised minor defensive abilities in emergency situations and continues to practice with the guidance of DS13 science officers. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Zevin Jath | |
Mother | Zoralla T'Miro |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Thari is described by those who know her best as: Caring – Thari cannot abide the suffering of others, and while she has no extrasensory perceptions of the feelings of others, she has a great deal of empathy and two centuries of understanding and experience. Energetic – Thari sleeps only a few hours a night and prefers to maximise her efficiency. She’s rarely found lounging and always has some project or another on the boil. Scientific natural – Thari’s father was a Salarian, a race of amphibians known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. She has a sharper mind than most, and can often see patterns and subtleties not visible to others. Her negative traits include: Distant – Thari is friendly and sociable, a natural extrovert. Despite this, with a natural lifespan of almost a thousand, in most circumstances she will keep anyone short-lived at an emotional distance to avoid unnecessary entanglements. Snobby – Thari prefers the finer things and knows well enough how to do everything she expects herself, so she will not stand for anything that does not meet her standards where any self-provided alternative is possible, though she knows well enough how to behave when she is someone's guest. Far from home - Thari longs to return to her own reality, and her loyalty to her new universe is not yet tested. |
Ambitions | Thari has few ambitions beyond understanding the universe she has found herself in, and finding a way to return home. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Gardening, watching cultural performances, reading, hiking and freeclimbing, cooking and discovering new places and things to eat. As an expert in the delights of her own universe, she now seeks to discover what makes this one great. |
Personal History | Thari was born in the decades before the crisis known as the 'reaper war' that ravaged her galaxy in 2186. The victory was near-pyrrhic, but galactic civilisation had survived, and the long rebuild began. Thari traveled the frontier as a relief volunteer for decades, before returning to Thessia to begin scientific studies. She undertook an opportunity to study on earth, and eventually received a doctorate in quantum physics from Oxford University. She signed up for the exploration corps, and took part in a number of deep space missions with allied forces. In early 2401 she discovered an abandoned device that created portals which crossed between dimensions throughout the multiverse. Thari followed her natural impulse to explore this, but after visiting a handful of strange, empty worlds, Thari found what seemed to be a medieval human civilisation. She was overwhelmed and lost the device, and was eventually thrown in a machine that bound her essence into a small metallic disc. The disc found its way aboard Deep Space 13, where she emerged at the mercy of its crew. Since her emergence, she has become a trusted civilian member of DS13's science crew. |