
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 11:39am

Vice Admiral Lucas Gali

Name Lucas Gali

Position Starfleet Sector Commander

Rank Vice Admiral

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Betazoid
Age 75

Physical State

Height 6' 0"
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Lucas is still tough and strong, even if he has slipped a little from his best in his youth. He's mostly bald and shaves his head daily. What's left of his hair grows slowly.

He lost his telepathic abilities after an injury to his paracortex, and seems to often shout without realising as a result.


Spouse Samantha Gali
Children Commander Athena Gali - Starfleet Intelligence
Colonel Hermes Gali - Starfleet Test Pilot

Personality & Traits

General Overview Admiral Gali says exactly what he is thinking. He doesn't waste time and doesn't like his time wasted, he is decisive, direct and more than a bit imperious.

Despite his stern and commanding demeanour, the Admiral is a people person and likes to socialise and explore when he's of the mood and has the time, but otherwise keeps to himself when he can.