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Wed Mar 19th, 2025 @ 8:07am

Lieutenant Rune Thul

Name Rune Thul

Position Chief Security Officer

Second Position Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Betazoid
Age 58
Pronouns He/Him
Place of Birth Betazed

Physical State

Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 250lbs (113 kg)
Hair Color Grey Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Passed his prime but still in fit form except his slightly bulging belly. He has a long scar lining the right side of his face and it occasionally reddens when he is experiencing strong emotions. It itches like hell sometimes but he keeps it as a memento from a skirmish.

He sports several tattoos on his arms, back and calves. The ones on his arms are of ancient Betazoid clan decorations, the ones on his calves are symbols of ancient Earth Egyptian gods that he believes offer him protection and guidance. The largest is the one on his back that is a set of ancient Earth mythical Dragon's wings, just a fetish he had while in the Academy.

His hair was the other thing during his Academy days he left shoulder length, he has had so much experience with hair styles that he often changes it on a whim. Though that is a habit he has picked up from all his undercover work, nowadays he has several hair ties around his wrist as he ponytails or buns it when it gets to be a busy day.


Spouse Vestar Khai aka Vestar Mulray-Thul. Symbiont: Khai (57, CEO of Supremacy Inc and part time Bartender in their Restaurant chain named “The Spot”)(Joined Trill, received a symbiont in ****(Pending), 3 former hosts)
Children 3: Tomnas Thul, Rune's biological son, Kirk Mulray-Thul, Vestar's biological son, both aged **(Pending) and Prissa Thul, to honour his Mother, full Betazoid. (Both boys were given to surrogate mothers of the other man's species and both men adopted the other during their marriage while Prissa was **(More info pending))
Father Latral Thul (took his wife's surname), born 2311 into the Kizak family, after some 33 years and some of that with Prissa Thul a Daughter of Seventh House (of Courage) he expressed the desire to have children with Prissa.
Mother Prissa Thul (3rd Daughter of the Seventh House (of Courage)'s ruling family the Thuls), born 2310, after some 34 years and some of that with her husband Latral, formerly of the Kizak family within the Seventh House, she got asked if they could have children.

Personality & Traits

General Overview During his teenage years, Row had been full of life and while guided by his parents, members of the Seventh House (House of Courage) ruling family, he learned to meet every challenge, overcome obstacles and believe in his sense of Courage will show him the way. He had been discovered as having above average telepathy, only a half a point but it was enough to put him in extra training with counselors to help him better manage it. He noticed that it gradually required more and more energy as he got older.

He was even granted the title 'Holder of the Sacred Sword' being the only child of the Thul family, being male did earn him little respect from many women in leadership roles of the other houses and families in the Seventh House. He saw it as another test of his virtue of Courage to prove himself.

After joining Starfleet when he came of age and met his to be imzadi brought him joy while allowing him to get off Betazed and away from those pesky women who were quite traditional Betazoids leaving him free to pursue a life in space.

He knew peace until the Dominion War and most of his undercover work on Cardassia left him a battle hardened and reserved man. When in Intelligence it's important to work hard not to be noticed and it allowed him to survive, though he is more tired in his old age. He seems to need prompting for socialisation for he had developed the tendency to keep to himself in the 3 years on Cardassia. Otherwise, he strives to be friendly as often as he can with the guiding support from his imzadi. He believes in the Federation and its ideals with all his being and is willing to die to save it if it was that simple.

He learned very early in life to not take time for granted and he had Intelligence field work to thank for that. The many close calls on his life and to those he knew matured his mind faster than anything else could have. It was a double edge sword as he was grateful for his experiences but they continued to trouble him no matter how much counseling he received.
Strengths & Weaknesses - Is a perfectionist when it comes to his appearance and has been known to do so to his friends. It mostly comes back to his time in undercover work, appearance and behaviour are critical to success. This is what makes him often play with his hairstyle. He has been known to copy famous officers' styles, and well enough that it appeared he cut his hair only to have it be an illusion. Sometimes it was a wig.
- Can lack tact at the best of times and it is something he is working on improving, sometimes time is something he doesn't have and he has to get a point across effectively. Though this is a weakness he developed late in life when he entered the Command track.
- Is a little too overprotective of what he perceives as his, this could be his projects and those he loves as well as his friends. Even a few officers he helped in some way.
- Being a T4.5 rated telepath, it has been hard to keep his paracortex under control with most of his childhood dedicated to training his senses and mental focus to new levels, he considers this more of a weakness than a strength. It is something that he has to be constantly alert about, sleep is rather difficult to achieve but thankfully Starfleet Medical have psi dampening devices that he can use. Occasionally he forgets to use them. In Intelligence field work he never used them, it kept him safe.
- Loyal to the Federation and Starfleet.
Ambitions Does all he can to avoid politics as he hates what it does to people, even friends when they tasted power were consumed by it, or simply trapped by it. Though he sometimes sees himself in command one day. After Betazed was invaded by the Dominion he vowed to do all he could to protect his people and world for the hostility that they seem to think will be coming. He extended that to protect the Federation from corruption and when in a position to do so will do anything and everything to fulfil that oath.
Hobbies & Interests tri-dimensional chess, playing holo-novels, swimming.
Has an interest in Parrises squares in recent years after most sports gained renewed focus after the Dominion War.
rehearsing the language courses for those he knows regularly

Languages Betazoid, passable Cardassian and Bajoran
Personal History In 2344, Rune Thul was born on Betazed to a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander Latral Kizak, who worked at the Federation Embassy as a Strategic Operations Officer. He married into the Thuls, the ruling family of the Seventh House (of Courage) to the very successful multicultural Restaurant owner Prissa Thul the 3rd Daughter of the Seventh House, the Thuls were formidle in seeking out new challenges and surpassing them. Even raising a child was a courage challenge, though the pair took on the task with love and passion.

Latral had the endless adventure of Starfleet and Prissa had the pursuit of competing with other hospitality businesses in the race to provide the best dining experience, She named her business 'Supremacy Inc'. Their son Rune Thul had plenty of inspiration to rise up and overcome any form of obstacle, he crawled, walked and spoke from an early age then average. His mother would telepathically sing him rhymes and barely keep an active connection with him.

His father often would telepathically recite human rhymes and that's when both learned that Rune enjoyed the word Row from Row Row Your Boat, an old Earth rhyme that seemed to find itself on Betazed, Rune would speak it often. His mother wasn't sure when she had begun to use Row as a nickname, it stuck as Rune responded to it more than his name. Soon he started primary schooling and he had a rather friend-filled and enjoyable childhood being an only child, his telepathy emerged early as well and it seemed to be a fraction stronger than average as he'd have headaches and trouble focusing on school. He lost interest in the Rune nickname as he continued to grow.

It wasn't completely out of the ordinary that some might mutate and as if on queue the Doctors confirmed that his telepathic rating was 4.5. Row during this time spent most of his time with his mother and the counselors at the Medical Bureau where they helped him learn control. As part of his training he'd often helped out his mother at the growing chain of restaurants and other service businesses while occasionally shadowing his father on whatever diplomatic assignment he was assigned to every 3rd and 5th month as his parents were often apart due to work. The work that both his parents gave him helped him learn various life skills as well as focus exercises when he encountered different species and crowds that in turn granted him the control he needed for his stronger telepathy. As he grew so did the intensity of his paracortex, he continued to find energy to apply his control.

He met Vestar Mulray, an Unjoined Trill, at his mother’s flagship restaurant “The Spot” and the two connected with each other almost immediately. He knew that Vestar was his imzadi and that connection somehow solidified his paracortex control as if Vestar had absorbed a fraction of it. Row was 16 upon this fateful encounter and Vestar was 15. It was difficult to separate the two until Row’s 20th birthday he applied to Starfleet Academy and was sponsored, after completed all the pre-entrance exams, by one of Latral’s good friends who was another Starfleet Captain teaching at the Academy.

He was accepted and was sad when he learned that Vestar didn’t want to join Starfleet with him when the two began officially dating during the 4 years Row attended Starfleet Academy. Vestar explained he'd want to learn Row’s mother Prissa’s knack for Hospitality and Business Management, Row supported his imzadi no matter what and so soon Vestar asked for her to mentor him; she had accepted his request. Their lives were already so and utterly intertwined Row and Vestar still continued to battle over little things like new lovers did but their love for each other grew stronger each day. The duo left with Prissa for Earth to live, since Row was attending the Academy and Vestar was going to help establish Earth's branch of Prissa's business Supremacy Inc.
Service Record -Entered Starfleet Academy at 20.

-Graduated the Academy at 24 and with Intelligence being his main focus, he showed great skill at adaptation to the unexpected as well as infiltration and other espionage activities. As a member of the Betazoid Seventh House, House of Courage, and raised to not only overcome adversity but to seek out new ways to test his Courage it seemed fitting that Intelligence was a good career choice for Row. Granted the rank of Ensign and was immediately surgically altered to be Cardassian and sent to Cardassia Prime. Mainly learning about Cardassian technology and the Cardassian mindset.

It was a tough 3 years. Row did learn much about Cardassia Prime and the Cardassians as a people, socially and culturally. He especially worked to find dissidents as well as much information about the lead up to the Occupation of Bajor, why and how they planned it out. Meanwhile Vestar, when Row got deployed to Cardassia Prime, returned to Trill to join the Initiate program and spent the last 5 years training while helping Prissa set up a Trill branch of her business considering the Earth branch was both successful and fully staffed.

-He actually got posted to Bajor for 2 years and had to alter himself to appear Bajoran. He assisted the Bajoran people get a handle on a few post Occupation recovery efforts as best he could without antagonising the newly freed Bajorans too badly. He was able to send some messages home and learned that Vestar was on Trill as well as his mother expanding her business while Vestar went through the Initiate program to be considered for Joining. Quite the honour Row had asked his father to pass onto Vestar the next time they communicated.

-Row had been reassigned and was given a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade at the age of 29 for all his work with Bajor. He then served on the Starship Cortez as Assistant Chief Security Officer and a Security team leader as the ship was patrolling the Cardassian-Federation border with several other ships for a 2 year run, each ship would have set points that they'd meet at and swap patrol routes.

A month or so prior to the Dominion invasion of Betazed, the Starship Cortez made a brief stop at Starbase 211, he contacted Vestar's parents on Betazed, whom he officially asked for permission to marry their son. They accepted him as their son-in-law in secret of course and would wait until the question was posed before going crazy with the whole engagement and wedding excitement. Row contacted his parents, both happened to be back on Betazed, and Vestar on split screen on Trill finishing up Supremacy Inc business alongside his Initiate program, after some chit chat with his parents soon he was alone with his imzadi.

Though the communications network was strained and heavily secured by Starfleet Security due to the Dominion War heating up, Row proposed to Vestar once the usual words were spoken. The Unjoined Trill couldn't say yes fast enough, Prissa came back into view holding her mother’s wedding ring and she told him she'd leave it with Vestar before she disconnected with a large smile on her face.

During the next 2 years the Cortez took part in several battles and barely survived each time, however, after the news of the Invasion of Betazed reached across the Federation, Row managed to get reassigned to the resistance efforts by Starfleet Intelligence. He teamed up with the other Betazoids, Starfleet officers and civilians to perform a desperate and demeaning act in order to liberate the planet thanks to Hent Tevren who shared his knowledge about how to kill using telepathy. Row himself had been one to use this technique while the Enterprise-E led an attack force to destroy the orbiting Nor-class station.

Row and many other Betazoids have come to justify that they used the telepathic killing method infamously named the Tevren Technique as the only way they could save their people. He found both his parents had been killed during the last battles to drive the Dominion off world. He was both angry and pained by being one to kill using telepathic attacks and losing his parents, at first it was difficult to sort out his emotions. Thankfully others were there serving as telepathic anchors to keep from going insane during the attacks and some helped him with as much mourning support as they could. Many services were held, Vestar’s parents helped him and let him stay with them a few days, several secure subspace chats with Vestar and Row could somewhat function again. Betazed was freed though smaller battles continued as Dominion forces retreated.

-Row put his pain and anger to good use being part of the following battles while serving on board the USS Venture as Assistant Chief Security Officer for the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine, then Chief Security Officer after the previous was killed in the Battle of Tyra. During the retaking of Deep Space Nine known as Operation Return, served as temporary CO as both XO and CO were killed part way through the battle. For the First Battle of Chin'toka, served as Chief Security and Second Officer of the USS Venture, it was rather lucky that it survived battle.

-Dominion War continued, Row was given a promotion to Lieutenant for his battle service and supplied a full 2 weeks leave, at 32, which he rejoined his imzadi Vestar on Earth having been reassigned before the Second Battle of Chin’toka, the two mourned together though the Breen attack left much damage which was still being sorted out along with the rest of the Federation. They were busy tending to the clean up as one of Supremacy Inc restaurants at Starfleet Command and Row had been advising the brass about Cardassia during his undercover days.

-Soon the Battle of Cardassia came and Row was serving as Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Venture. It was a harrowing conflict until the then oppressed Cardassians switched sides and the war came to an end. The Venture was one of the Starfleet ships to remain with several to start relief efforts even though the Cardassians had much suffering to answer for, namely starting the war under Dukat.

**This is what I have so far, still got up to 2402 to fill, I will add it in the coming week hopefully.**