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Sun Mar 16th, 2025 @ 10:18am

SubCommander Saa

Name Saa

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank SubCommander

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Cetacean
Age 35
Summary DS13's newly assigned Chief of Engineering is a recent transfer from 40 Eridani Yards, Vulcan system, where for some time, she's served as a senior systems analyst one of the Yard's foremost warp propulsion experts. She's had a fin in the warp systems of many of Starfleet's newest vessels, ensuring that they are both thoroughly tested and reliable.
Place of Birth New Almacígos Colony, Pacifica

Physical State

Height 10'3" (length)
Weight 480 kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Blue-grey
Physical Description Tursiops genus, 3.2 meters in length, with classic silver-grey markings transitioning to a solid white ventral. Her eyes are large, round and expressive. A standard neural dataport has been implanted behind the right orbit, enabling remote interface with most computer systems.

Aboard the station, like most cetaceans, Saa wears fin-mounted gravitic field modulators to move about freely in the station's artificial gravity field. But in natural gravity environments, she exhibits a distinct preference for the bulky type-6 cetaceanoid exosuit over the more streamlined antigravity units usually worn by cetaceans, having come to appreciate the inherent reliability of its more robust design.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Saa's approach to life and work is a balance between methodical regularity and recurring bouts of creativity, a duality that has served her well in the constantly evolving field of starship design. As a mechanic, she's conservative and methodical to a fault, almost allergic to the idea of beginning any job without first making a thorough analysis, or relying on any technology, procedure or approach that hasn't been fully and systematically tested. Her cautious nature sometimes puts her at odds with more impulsive colleagues who prefer a quicker, riskier approach to problem-solving. But she remains steadfast in her belief that genuine gains can only result from systematic efforts, and that order and method will carry the day.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Team player: Saa actively seeks to harmonize herself to those around her, and her infectious positivity can often boost morale, especially during difficult assignments.
Technical acumen: Saa is a master of starship engineering and has an instinctual understanding of how various systems interact.

Overcommitment: Saa tends to take on too much extra work, underestimating her need for rest and recovery.
Overly cautious: Partly by temperament, and partly by training due to the nature of her shipyard work, he is instinctively averse to the idea of unnecessary risks.
Ambitions Lately, Saa has been thinking about her family and the distance that has grown between her and them. She wonders if she'll one day return to the academic world they know. She sometimes imagines becoming a lecturer, able to blend both her practical experience and her academic knowledge of warp theory. This is something she’s reluctant to admit openly, as it would seem like a concession to her family’s expectations, but it lingers in the back of her mind.
Hobbies & Interests Restoring antique vehicles. Lately, botany, a way to connect with her mother. At rare intervals, publishes in the Journal of Warp Mechanics.

Languages Atlantic 1, English, Spanish, Vulcan Standard. She typically speaks in Atlantic 1 and relies on universal translation to convey her meaning to humanoid colleagues. In an emergency, she can make herself understood in something very roughly approximating English or Vulcan, but it's a slow, painstaking effort and not at all comfortable (even if it is adorable).
Personal History Born on Pacifica to a family of educators, Saa was predestined for a life in academia, and her choice to enroll in the Daystrom Institute's prestigious Advanced Warp Propulsion program was almost an act of rebellion. After graduating, she served as a warp field specialist across several Starfleet assignments, before being offered a position in the Warp Propulsion Lab at 40 Eridani Yards, Vulcan System. For the next four years, her shipyard work gave her valuable first-hand experience with the most advanced propulsion systems in the Federation, until a temporary assignment as part of the shakedown cruise of one of Starfleet's newest vessels cast her in the role of assistant chief engineer, a role she was unexpectedly to maintain and - even more unexpectedly - adapt to, through several misadventures. Since returning to the Yard, she has been surprised to find herself missing something of the chaos of those days, and when an offer came to head a project on the far reaches, she accepted.
Service Record 2382-2386: Daystrom Institute, Advanced Warp Propulsion track
2386-2390: Junior Engineer, Starbase 21, CO Jareth Lin
2390-2394: Engineer, USS Pegasus, CO Liren Kast
2394-2398: Systems Analyst, Warp Propulsion Lab, 40 Eridani Yards
2398-2401: Assistant Chief Engineer, USS Hou Yi, CO A-216 'Akia'
2401-2402: Senior Analyst, Warp Propulsion Lab, 40 Eridani Yards
2402-present: Chief of the Dock, later Chief Engineer, Deep Space 13