
  • 16 Mission Posts

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Sun Mar 16th, 2025 @ 10:18am

Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz

Name Mork 'Gaz' Keggurgazzanantilthar

Position Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Chief of the Port

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Tellarite
Age 58
Summary Gaz looks and sounds tough but he's reasonable and fair, he expects a lot from his people but he also treats them right. He complains conversationally instead of arguing like most Tellarites, but overall he's optimistic and personable, even if he doesn't work at being friendly. He's an experienced professional who can cover most roles in most departments.
Place of Birth Tellar Prime

Physical State

Height 4' 8"
Weight 75kg
Hair Color Black (Greying)
Physical Description Gaz is squat and strong, his years of hard work show.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Gaz wouldn't hesitate to run into a burning building to hesitate those inside, but outside of dangerous situations he's not very adventurous for a lifelong Starfleet serviceman.

His sense of humour is bawdy.