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Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 1:33pm

Lieutenant Alph

Name Alph

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Sex Male
Species Android
Age 24

Physical State

Physical Description Alph is the first Alpha-class Android, a prototype once under consideration for mass production. His synthetic parts make him quite immune to anything but what would be lethal force to most organic lifeforms. He has the approximate strength and speed of a Klingon, with the senses of an Andorian and a mind as powerful as a Vulcans.

He is designed with a hair covering, but he has chosen to keep his scalp revealed to demonstrate his synthetic nature.


Father Professor Hlogun Sutulhar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alph is generous and helpful, and greatly fascinated by the lives and nature of organic beings. Despite his gentle nature, childlike curiosity and occasional naivety, he is a mature and responsible officer and capable of decisive leadership.

While Alph is fascinated by organic lifeforms, he does not desire to be more like them, and instead hopes to be the best version of himself he can be.

Personal History Designed with the nearly immortal Soong-type Android as inspiration, the Alpha-class was designed to be a standard inclusion on every starship, who along with the EMH and autonomous repair systems would form the synthetic crew of the ship.

Alph graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2386, and had been in service for just over a year when the ban on synthetic lifeforms came into effect. With the help of his father/creator and those who opposed the strange authoritarian direction Starfleet seemed to have taken in the aftermath of the attack on Mars, Alph was secreted aboard a deep-space vessel under an assumed identity. While officially he had left Starfleet and gone to parts unknown, he remained in active service.

When the ban was finally lifted and the telepathic manipulations of Commodore Oh on Starfleet command were revealed, Alph officially rejoined Starfleet, and all involved in the deception were pardoned. In recognition of his contributions even in the face of irrational prejudice, Alph was promoted to Lieutenant.