
  • 1 Mission Posts

Lieutenant Nion

Name Nion

Position Matter/Energy Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Sex Female
Species Cheronite
Age 884
Summary Nion is an ancient Cheronite from a colony that broke away from the homeworld Cheron before it destroyed itself in internecine conflict. She is a peaceful, curious and whimsical being, who can be prone to distraction. Her Cheronite energy manipulation powers and technological knowledge make her a highly desired Engineer within Starfleet.
Place of Birth The Annulus, Mobile Cheronite Colony

Physical State

Height 5' 9"
Weight 72kg
Hair Color Black and white
Eye Color Mustard
Physical Description Nion like all her people is physically bifurcated into two monochromic sides, a patterning which carries into her hair.

Her body generates a complex plasmic energy which she can use to manipulate or examine objects. Starfleet records of others of her kind show it can be used offensively, but Nion has never done so.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Nion is kind, hard-working and curious. She can be somewhat detached and spacey as she perceives matter and the world around her in a rather different way than other beings who see the usual visual spectrum.