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Sun Mar 16th, 2025 @ 10:18am
Lieutenant S'Lace
Name S'Lace
Position Chief Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Sex | Female | |
Species | Vulcan | |
Age | 85 | |
Summary | On the surface S’lace is a typical Vulcan in that she radiates an air of cool detachment and seems in utter control of her emotions. For a while this had been a facade as she had not reconciled the death of her second husband and son. But over the decades she has attained a balance and inner peace. However there are times that old angers can well within her and threaten to disrupt her center... | |
Place of Birth | Vulcan |
Physical State
Height | 75cm | |
Weight | 59kg | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | S'Lace is an attractive Vulcan female, with a lean and athletic build. She normally keeps her hair shoulder length and often wears it in a pony tail. |
Spouse | S’nin (deceased) Luther Kenzer (deceasd), Klarth (divorced) | |
Children | Slal (son, deceased) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | S'Lace is still at heart a restless individual, one not content to simply follow a single path for any great length of time. This led her to Starfleet, then to becoming a colonist, then resistance fighter and ultimately back to Starfleet before leaving once more. In the wake of the Borg assault S'Lace duty has once more driven S'Lace back to Starfleet. At this point she is quite convinced she will be forever drawn back into the orbit of that organization. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | +The very definition of unflappable -Antipathy of all things Cardassian and Dominion |
Ambitions | S'Lace's ambitions are ill defined at this point in her life. She had found contentment in exploring ancient structures and learning of long dead cultures. For now she is content to do her part to aid Starfleet in rebuilding and in helping to defend the Federation against threats known and unknown. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Interests: non-violent martial arts (Human Aikido, Vulcan Selona*), Romulan culture, ancient Vulcan history, S'lace is quite skilled in the use of the Vulcan Ahn Woon and still wears one about her waist beneath her uniform. S'Lace is also a credible actor, having at times successfully posed as Romulans complete with all the arrogance and contempt the role demands. S'Lace also received field training from Starfleet Special Forces, although her skills are rudimentary. She does have excellent field survival skills, especially for harsh desert environments due to her time on Vulcan and Haven IV. S'Lace if a Doctor of Archeology |
Languages | Vulcan, Federation Standard, Romulan, Cardassian and Dominion primary language. S'Lace also has extensive knowledge of numerous "dead" languages, even Earth's Latin. | |
Personal History | Born in the shadow of Mount Seleya, S’lace (pronounced "Solace") was-for a Vulcan-a restless spirit who longed to explore space despite her parents’ wishes for her to attend school on her home world. She joined Starfleet and rather than apply at the Academy became a medical technician, and she served with distinction for some twenty years and retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer. During this time her first husband, S’nin, died of a rare Vulcan blood disease. While in mourning she met her future second husband, Luther Kenzer. The two quickly fell in love and they decided to leave Starfleet together. they settled on a colony world near the Cardassian border. She bore him a son, Slal and things seemed to be perfect. Then the Federation signed a treaty with Cardassia, moving their respective border and placing S’lace and Luther’s home in Cardassian space. Mollified by the Cardassians’ claims that they would be treated well, they stayed. Only the Cardassians had lied. A campaign of terror ensued which ultimately led to the deaths of Luther and Slal. S’lace realized the logical thing to do would be to flee the planet and return to Vulcan. She stayed and joined the Maquis. She was eventually caught by Starfleet when she remained behind to tend to wounded comrades. After serving some months in a detention camp she was offered an deal; it seemed the Cardassians had joined the Dominion and the Federation needed everyone who knew anything about fighting Cardassians. S’lace was especially wanted due to her extensive knowledge of her former home, Haven IV. Over the next year she operated with a strike force as the team’s local expert and systems technician, executing rescues, intelligence operations, sabotage and kidnapping. After a particularly nasty mission the team was pulled off the planet. At this point Starfleet was unsure of what to do with S'lace. The Maquis was destroyed at this point and she had honored her end of the deal, whicih had been fulfilled once the Federation ceased operations on her world. Her request to join Starfleet full time was granted as she had never fired upon or harmed a Federation citizen, and her career in Starfleet had been exemplary. It was decided that she be sent to Starfleet for re-training and she was given the rank of lieutenant, j.g. (also known as "going mustang" when an NCO is promoted to commissioned officer). After several months S'lace reassigned to the Amarillo, a New Orleans class starship. The 'Rillo saw heavy action during the war, it was heavily damaged several times and sustained heavy casualties. S'Lace worked tirelessly in Sickbay and proved herself numerous times over, both assisting senior doctors and performing medical treatment herself. She served with distinction and earned the praise of her captain and CMO. Eventually the war was over and Solace, her record cleared, was free to return to civilian life. Only she had nothing to return to. It was for this reason that she remained in Starfleet. S'Lace served as Head Nurse on the Lionheart-A, where she met Doctor Klarth, who pursued her romantically until he was disgraced and had to leave to regain his honor. Upon his return he once more pursued S'Lace romantically and wore down her resistance. The two were married. And six months later logic reasserted itself and they divorced. S'Lace retired once again to settle down for a quiet life on Vulcan in an attempt to find inner peace. She attended University where she earned degrees in Vulcan History and Archeology and had gone on numerous field trips across the Alpha Quadrant. Years later peace still had not arrived and when Starfleet reactivated her she complied. |