

1: All players must treat their fellow players with consideration and respect.

Characters may disagree, argue, or even come to blows, but out of character all players are expected to be civil and respectful. Abuse, disrespect or mistreatment of others will not be tolerated.

Players must not write other's characters for them without permission, and must respect other player's wishes if they do not wish to participate in a shared storyline.

2: All players must check in at least once a month or face removal from the game after consecutive missed check-ins.

The characters of players that are removed may be killed or kept in the story until it becomes convenient to write them out of it.

3: All players must be members of the SimCentral Discord. This is a condition of our hosting agreement.

4: All players must be at least 18 years of age.

Any player found to be under 18 will be removed from the sim immediately.

Mature content is permitted where appropriate, but not encouraged without good reason.

5: The command team reserves the right to veto character images that do not suit the aesthetic of the game.

We require that all characters be depicted in a visual medium, and we can help with that if you don't have anything already.

We aren't looking to tell you what to do or how to do it, but things like existing trek / sci fi characters are the sort of thing we'd prefer to avoid, in any event we're happy to work with you to find something that works.

6: The Captain's word is law. To defy it is mutiny. Mutineers walk the plank.