The stars rain down [✱6]
Posted on Sat Mar 29th, 2025 @ 1:03pm by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Major Victoria, Daughter of Kalath & Warrior Choq, Son of None & First Prime Pindar
Edited on on Sun Mar 30th, 2025 @ 12:01am
1,615 words; about a 8 minute read
The Serpent's Tooth [3]
Location: Tartarian Gatebreaker, Typhon's Mothership - DS13 Orbit
Timeline: 0200 - MD07
Lieutenant Thul's team beamed into what the deckplans revealed to be a large training space, one of the larger open areas on the ship. With him came the Marine XO Major Kalath, the Klingon Choq assigned under exchange, and a handful of additional security and marines.
Rather than the empty room they expected, they found themselves within a shanty town of Jaffa civilians, women, children and old men. It was built into the structure of the stadium-like room from wood and metal, rising up into towers at the corners of the room. There was also a large central tenement that they stood in the shadow of. Some sort of artificial sun seemed to light the room, rotating around the space and projecting a convincing image of a sky.
All around, the Jaffa who had gathered to see jumped back, gasping audibly as the beings materialised. Mothers covered their children's eyes, the elderly held their walking sticks defensively. Many had a number of different tattoos on their foreheads.
Choq looked around the room without focusing on any individual, a non-accusatory sweep. He assumed these beings were primitive, and had never seen a transporter function before.
After the transporter effect faded and Rune looked around, he was bombarded by thoughts of scared civilians. He'd lowered his mental barriers as to get a feel for their state of mind, passively of course. His standard away team equipment secure on his belt, he didn't make any large movements as he continued to take stock of the environment.
One of the Security officers did turn around suddenly.
At the first sign of significant movement, the civilians scattered, rushing back into their tenements with an organised haste.
"Easy," Rune said softly to the team. "Let's keep calm and let them process the transporter first." He told them.
"Eyes front, marines. No sudden movements. Loosey goosey, we're all friends here." Kalath told her people.
One being remained solidly in place, a monolith of a man, who looked like he was carved from granite. He wore a toga-like robe and a metallic helmet in the shape of a mythological hydra dragon. Dispersed around the room were half a dozen other Jaffa in dragon-helmed armour, armed with staff weapons. Some were assisting the civilians, others were simply keeping watch.
He stepped forward, and tapped his hand against his chest. Much as Akhenaten's Pharoah visage had folded back into itself in a way that seemed impossible, the draconic helm of Typhon's First Prime shrank back into an armoured collar, piece by living piece. "I am Pindar of Chulak. I welcome you to my master's vessel Tartarian Gatebreaker. All praises to Typhon, slayer of Zeus." He slammed the tail of his staff weapon into the ground in a martial display, standing up proudly. He was an older man, but still fearful strong.
Choq remained silent as he beheld the impressive man. No doubt he was a warrior of some renown.
"Greetings, I am Lieutenant Rune Thul, Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer of Deep Space 13." He introduced himself and couldn't help but admire Pindar. Rune now wanted one of the headgear more than ever, perhaps he could trade for one.
Later, he mused. "This is..." Rune gestured for Kalath to do an intro.
"Major Victoria Kalath, Marine Executive Officer, sir." The Major said to Pindar. She wondered if any of those words would have meaning for him, but there wasn't much else she could say.
"And this is..." He gestured to Choq to do the same.
"Choq, warrior of the Klingon Empire, an ally to the Federation." The Klingon said with a bow to the First Prime.
"We are here to inspect your vessel as part of the requested Sanctuary by Lord Ahkenaten." Rune explained. "Should your people require medical aid, we have medical personnel preparing to arrive soon." He held his hands open in a gesture of friendship. He did want a closer look at the staff, along with the strange Z shaped device on Pindar's hip. It looked like a weapon, but all that can happen later.
"I understand. Tell me where you wish to go, and I will guide you." Pindar was stern, but polite.
It took a moment for Rune to order his thoughts, weighing each priority carefully. Assessing the vessel’s status? No—he was certain that both the station’s and the Excalibur’s operations officers were already monitoring the Pyramid trio’s condition. That wasn’t the immediate concern. Security and armament inspections? Important, but secondary. The wisest course of action was to seek an audience with the vessel’s lord, Typhon, to establish full transparency before proceeding to assess their personnel’s weaponry, the vessel’s defenses, and its armoury.
His decision made, Rune straightened, his expression composed yet firm.
"Please take us before your Lord, First Prime," he said, his words carrying the weight of both a request and a necessity. Though his tone remained respectful, there was an unmistakable urgency beneath it—every moment counted, and they needed to establish trust and report back before the engineering and medical teams could beam over.
His gaze remained steady on the First Prime, fully aware that how this interaction played out could dictate the course of their future interactions with Typhon and his Jaffa. One thing did cross his mind as he waited, were any among the refugees not Jaffa or Goa'uld? Did they bring any of their friends and or allies?
"My master knows you are here, and expected you would be inspecting areas more pertinent to the conditions of those aboard, but I will take you to him if it is your wish." Pindar said, slightly confused by the Federation man's request.
Yes, the people were more important—their well-being and stability in this unfamiliar universe took precedence over the finer details of their weaponry and technology. Rune decided this quickly, his tactical mind setting priorities. Assessing their arsenal could come later, once their future within this universe was more certain.
He gave a measured nod. "Very well," he said, before gesturing slowly around them. "Is this the only area your crew is using to house your people?"
Rune’s passive telepathy reached outward, but it provided only a vague sense of crowded thoughts and emotions rather than a precise headcount. There were many—too many to distinguish clearly without actively focusing, which he wouldn't do without permission or cause. The sheer volume of minds hinted that the numbers were significant, but he needed confirmation.
"There are several bunkrooms and other makeshift quarters in unused rooms throughout the ship, but almost every Jaffa non-combatant is housed here." Pindar explained, looking around the room as if to remind himself of the fact.
"How many food stores do you have?" He inquired, concerned.
"There are four sustenance generators found throughout the ship, and nine of our largest cargo containers mostly full of preserved meals for emergencies. It is the only feasible way to feed so many. The generated sustenance is not pleasurable, but it sustains us."
Rune nodded. He just hoped that their replicators didn't suddenly place Starfleet as saviours or gods like the Goa'uld. "Not anymore, First Prime Pindar." He smiled and turned to the rest of his team. "Alright, let us spilt into four teams. Each one will evaluate the sustenance generators' condition, then each team inventory two of the cargo containers of their emergency meals. 1st Lieutenant V'Lanzo with me. Major, if you would, partner with a security officer and Beq Choq with a marine. I'd like our two departments to get some more experience working together."
"With me, Beq?" Kalath asked her fellow Klingon. She was quite curious about this Son of None.
"Certainly, ma'am." Choq told the sturdy marine.
He gave the team members who weren't paired off to find each other and for them to look at him again. "Excellent. Before we get to work, one moment." He turned back to Pindar. "Can you take us to your food stores? I'd like to inventory it so I can report what our people can supply you with." Rune requested, their people needed to eat, better than they probably had.
"They are in many locations throughout the ship. The nearest I can take you to is identical to the others." Pindar said.
A nod came from the Betazoid Lieutenant directed at the Jaffa First Prime. "Very well, could you spare three of your warriors to escort members of this team to the Sustenance Generators, before showing them the cargo containers? Could you show myself and 1st Lieutenant V'Lanzo to the same as well? We intend to inspect them and learn what we can in order to provide any assistance as we can to improving their functions. In addition, our own generators which we call Replicators can be utilised to provide you with a far greater supply."
He'd have to see how much they could make quickly and send over. "Not only food but water, blankets, furniture and clothing." Rune added along with an open right-hand gesture just in front of him.
"Sheyak, Adro, Kellem, kree!" Pindar called out, and three of the Jaffa from throughout the large room made their way to the assembled party. "Each of you, guide one of the pairs of visitors to our food stores."
The three Jaffa each moved to one of the pairs and nodded, waiting respectfully for further instructions.
"To your food stores, please." Kalath told the Jaffa. They seemed like well-bred warriors.
Choq admired the staff weapons they wielded. They looked finely crafted.
"This way." The Jaffa guides said, looking to each other to ensure they were all going in a different direction.