Mission Groups
Year One
DS13's first year of Operation.
Included Missions
Startup Sequence [0]
Posts: 13
Deep Space 13 is officially commissioned.
DownTime [1]
Posts: 31
A starship carrying strange cargo is found beneath the ice of one of the system's outer moons.
Masters of the Stars [2]
Posts: 30
One of the metallic totems containing beings from across the multiverse is unlocked, releasing the lifeform inside.
The Serpent's Tooth [3]
Posts: 21
A flotilla of starships crosses through the anomaly seeking asylum, followed by pursuers who seek to punish the runaways for crimes against their galaxy.
The Future
Things that may yet be, but have not come to pass.
Included Missions
Undermind [4]
Posts: —
Settlers discover a savage and terrifying form of life deep below Dreizhen III.
Guardians of Peace [5]
Posts: —
A small transport loaded with injured warrior-monks is pursued through the anomaly by a warship commanded by a warlord and his servants.
One chants out between two Worlds [6]
Posts: —
.niaga gnineppah si tI
The Romulan Empire marks 25 years since the destruction of Romulus and Remus.
Take the Sky from Me [7]
Posts: —
The anomaly links DS13 to a quinary star system fully inhabited by human beings who have never learned to travel faster than light, and whose suns seem to be failing.
Mirror's Edge [8]
Posts: —
The anomaly links DS13 to a universe almost identical to its own, complete with another DS13.
Imperium Romulanum [9]
Posts: —
The station is impacted by a strange wavefront, and the crew soon finds the wider galaxy is ruled by the unchallenged Romulan Empire.
The Past
Events taking place before a character's arrival on Deep Space 13, or in far more distant regions of time.
Included Missions
Posts: 4
The lives and histories of those involved with DS13 before the Federation took over the station in June 2402.