Masters of the Stars [2]

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

One of the metallic totems containing beings from across the multiverse is unlocked, releasing the lifeform inside.

Masters of the Stars

Mission Group Year One
Start Date Sun Dec 8th, 2024 @ 8:33am
End Date Wed Mar 12th, 2025 @ 8:33am

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Title Timeline Location
The Admiral's Arrival
by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Vice Admiral Lucas Gali & Lieutenant JG Vijay Singh & Ensign Abra Akzhouri
0905 - MD01 Shuttlebay One - DS13
The Vulcan goodnight
by T’Shan & Rom K'Ress
MD -11 (Three days after DownTime) Guest Quarters, USS Challenger
The Admiral's Command
by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Vice Admiral Lucas Gali
0945 - MD01 (After 'The Admiral's Arrival') Conference Room, DS13
Duty and Discipline
by Lieutenant Rune Thul
MD -5 (Prior to Masters of the Stars but After DownTime) Deck 41-50 - Upper Sphere Storage and Deck 51-60 - Care Decks
by Captain Rovak & T’Shan
1700 - MD01 CO's Quarters, DS13
Everyone's favorite Andorian
by Doc & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Lieutenant Commander Miadri & Doctor Ori Enu'Tha
1330 - MD01 Alpha Dock lounge
The Admiral's Queries
by Captain Rovak & The Commander & Vice Admiral Lucas Gali
1630 - MD01 USS Excalibur, Bridge
Security Concerns
by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant Alph & Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol & Commander Letayo Jedite
Afternoon MD01 Security Suite--->>Bravo Docking Lounge
The soft power approach
by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Vestar Khai & Ambassador Oriath Velt
1655 - Four days after the end of DownTime Thul Family Quarters
You can't make him drink
by Captain Rovak & Marcus Grey Horse & Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol
0900 - MD02 Rovak's Office, CIC, DS13
Window closed, door opened
by Captain Rovak & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz
0915 - MD02 Rovak's Office, CIC, DS13
Doing the rounds
by Lieutenant S'Lace & Captain Rovak & Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol & Doc & Lieutenant Mina Pfeiffer
1040 - MD01 Bravo Dock Lounge
nuqneH juppu'
by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol & Crewman Slar & Ambassador Oriath Velt & Llaudh Drusilla Creon & Dowager General Kloh'theQ, Daughter of Q'Lath & Lieutenant JG Grace Douglas & Petty Officer 2nd Class Airu & Centurion Ixim & Commander Sylok & Warrior De'haQ Daughter of Utlaq & Commander Utlaq Son of Ha'Qaam
0230 - MD02 CIC, Deep Space 13
From the mouths of babes
by Llaudh Drusilla Creon & Rhianha Creon & Counselor Rufen Erebar
1405 MD -10 (Four days after DownTime) Counseling Suite 4
Opening the Can
by Captain Rovak & Ambassador Oriath Velt & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant S'Lace & Ramielos Volsunga & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Doctor Ori Enu'Tha & Lieutenant Zar
1330 - MD02 Delta Dock HazMat Lab
The Wolf's Fangs
by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant S'Lace & Ramielos Volsunga & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Ensign Shova Qiil & Ensign Talar Thayn & Ensign P'Lar & Staff Warrant Officer Umet'Okan
Immediately after 'Opening the Can' Delta Dock HazMat Lab
The Big Bastard in the Bubble
by Ambassador Oriath Velt & Commander Alex Flynn & Ramielos Volsunga & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Lieutenant Onda Duros
1630 - MD02 (after 'The Wolf's Fangs') Unused Observation Lounge, Pier 2, Lower Docking Bay
Hunter's Perils
by Captain Rovak & Lieutenant S'Lace & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Lieutenant Mina Pfeiffer & Ensign Shova Qiil & Ensign P'Lar & Nurse Sharsa & Nurse Belinda Macdonald & Head Nurse Akendjaaq Son of Akondjaaq
1340 - MD02 (Parallel to 'The Wolf's Fangs') Delta Dock HazMat Lab
Pillars of the Community
by Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant S'Lace & Centurion Ixim & Ipae Lepsain & D'Deridex Tebok & Vaia & Lebaros Tarix
1030 Hours - MD02 Civilian Sector, Deck 95 - DS13
The Admiral's Debriefing
by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant S'Lace & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz
1730 - MD02 (After 'The Wolf's Fangs') Alpha Dock Lounge
The Admiral and the Pilgrim
by Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Vice Admiral Lucas Gali
MD03 - Morning USS Challenger, Captain's Ready Room
Tea and Conspiracy
by Llaudh Drusilla Creon & Dowager General Kloh'theQ, Daughter of Q'Lath & Ipae Lepsain
Afternoon - MD03 Romulan Embassy, DS13
Dru and Vestar
by Llaudh Drusilla Creon & Vestar Khai
1230 - MD02 (Before 'Opening the Can') Romulan Embassy, DS13
Observing the Impossible
by The Commander & Lieutenant S'Lace & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Lieutenant JG Brade Imkahat & Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Ensign Irik Sul & Doctor Toh
1750 - MD02 (After 'The Admiral's Debriefing') Unused Observation Lounge, Pier 2, Lower Docking Bay
Quick Check Up
by Lieutenant S'Lace & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Vestar Khai
After "Pillars of the Community" Deck 51-60 - Care Decks, Base Hospital

Mission Summary

After the science team reports that one of the totems the crew took responsibility for appears to be about to open on its own, the decision is made to expedite the process in controlled circumstances. An enormous genetically engineered supersoldier emerges and breaks quickly out of captivity, injuring a few of the crew.

The supersoldier Volsunga, who identifies himself as an 'Adeptus Astartes' of the Imperium of Man, is held in captivity in the lower dock after the crew are able to disable his suit of armour with phaser fire. He reveals himself to be part of a fiercely xenophobic and narrow-minded military-religious order, but after the Commander removes several 'metaphysical pathogens' from him, he seems suddenly reflective and self-aware, but still hostile and defensive.