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You can't make him drink

Posted on Mon Dec 23rd, 2024 @ 8:21am by Captain Rovak & Marcus Grey Horse & Petty Officer 1st Class Ayol

563 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Masters of the Stars [2]
Location: Rovak's Office, CIC, DS13
Timeline: 0900 - MD02

Rovak had just returned to his desk from the replicator with a bowl of fruit, yoghurt and muesli when his communicator buzzed. He tapped the alert on his desk holographics to open it. He could already see it was Ayol. "Chief Grey Horse requests a minute if you have it, sir."' The Vorta asked.

"Send him in." Rovak said, putting his bowl of food in a drawer and closing it.

Grey Horse entered, Rovak stood to greet him. "Welcome Master Chief. How can I assist?" Rovak said, sitting and offering a seat to the Chief.

"I would like to resign my enlistment, sir." Grey Horse said without expression. He remained standing.

"It is of course your right to do so, Chief. But may I ask why?" Rovak responded, caught off guard by the request. Grey Horse seemed to love his work, and all the enlisted loved him.

"I had a discussion with Admiral Gali yesterday that caused me to realise it was the right decision." Grey Horse admitted.

"May I ask what he said to you?" Rovak said, concerned that this would be the outcome of any discussion.

"I told him that I felt like my career, at least the part of it where I advanced, was over. He told me it didn't have to be. I could always go to the Academy. And so that's what I'm going to do. I will spend the next few months training, and apply for the first semester 2403 admission group." Grey Horse explained.

"I admire your willingness to make such a change, Chief. But you do not need to go to the academy to be an officer. He or I could commission you as a warrant officer, and you could take further courses from there." Rovak explained.

"It's true sir, you could. But there would be no real achievement in that. I want to do this. I have set myself this challenge." Grey Horse responded with obvious conviction.

"I see." Rovak said, considering for a moment, before entering a few commands on the display built into his desk. He stood up. "It is a great shame to lose you Master Chief, but I would not stand in the way of the path you choose for yourself. I wish you every fortune. When do you intend to leave?" Rovak asked.

"I will remain as long as required to finalise any matters of duty, but once my duties are complete I intend to devote myself fully to preparations. Navigation tells me the Needs of the Many will return to Vulcan within the week after a stop here, I will request a berth with them." Grey Horse explained.

"I will ensure that some manner of celebration is held before your departure. Do you have a recommendation for a replacement?" Rovak asked.

"Chief Gaz would be the logical choice, no?" Grey Horse suggested.

"My thoughts exactly. Until next time, Chief. Your commission will be logged as resigned from 1700 hours today. Live long and prosper." Rovak said, standing and making the customary gesture. The Chief nodded with an appreciation that was clear in his eyes, and left without a further word.

Rovak would spend so long thinking about the Chief's resignation that he forgot entirely about his breakfast. After meditating briefly to dispel the sentimental upswell he felt, he moved on to other tasks, and scheduled a meeting with Gaz.


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