The Lives of Ixim
Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 10:14am by Commander Alex Flynn & Marcus Grey Horse & Centurion Ixim & Lucius Creon
Edited on on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 3:54pm
3,655 words; about a 18 minute read
Location: Starbase 51, Gamma Quadrant
Timeline: 2395
Location: Imperial Embassy
Timeline: 1230 - MD02
Decan looked down at what he was wearing. He had opted not to wear his ceremonial robe. Creon would see right through that. He chose instead to wear a dark grey, double breasted suit. As he walked, flanked by one of his security officers, he could not help but feel anxious at how this meeting may go. Relations with the Empire and the Free State were at a standstill, while officially all parties were hopeful.
The Free State party crossed to the entrance of the Imperial Embassy and stopped as a pair of guards blocked their way.
Ixim emerged just as Decan's group reached their threshold. Silently, he took the scanner he was holding and waved it over them, turning each, one by one momentarily into fluorescent green wireframes. "They're clean." He said to the sentries. "Come." He said to Decan.
Decan looked at the man. He did not recognize him.
Passing the tragic monument to Romulus, they moved through the embassy in relative silence. They waited on more staff like most of the station, but the Ferengi had at least done their job well. Ixim had spent every spare second he had scanning and examining the installations and friezes for any possible monitoring device. Ambassador Creon would brook no intrusion to Imperial sovereignty. "What do you hope to gain from this?" Ixim asked as they reached the doorway to Creon's Ambassadorial office.
Seyel, a strapping young man of Decan's guard, took a step forward." You dare speak to him with such insolence? " He spat, "This is His Serene Excellency Ambassador Decan of the Grand House of Mirok, First of His Name, Protector of the Free State and Defender of the Romulan people. "
Decan raise his ringed hand to silence the guard. "It's quite alright Seyel." He turned back to Ixim, "He need not know the answer anyway. Now, take me to Creon."
Ixim said nothing else, and walked them through to Ambassador Creon's office. Yallaren's ninth symphony was playing faintly throughout the ornate halls of the embassy, the sadness of the music seemed to complement the friezes and murals of tragedy and despair, in Ixim's opinion anyway. He still wore the loss of Romulus on his skin, he would for the rest of his life. Ixim touched the panel on the outside of the doorway, and it parted, allowing entry to Decan and his group.
Seyel peered into the room, and stepped in. Decan followed close behind, taking in the Empire's grand facade.
"Ambassador Decan, welcome. I had a feeling you'd make the first move." Creon said with a smile that suggested something more welcoming than what he had said.
Decan nodded, "Ambassador Creon. So good to see you." He stood as tall as possible in the hopes his age would not become an issue in these talks.
"Take a seat. I just remembered something I needed to do." Creon stood up, looking over Decan and his people to the doorway. "Just a moment. Ixim, could you come in here please?" He called out to his security chief.
"Ambassador?" He said dutifully, standing closer than Decan.
"I was going over the files I was given on the staff here. The information on Lieutenant Nwaro was wrong. Who was responsible for compiling that report?"
"I was, sir. There was another Nwaro Polak who also served in a neighboring province. Most of the Bajoran records are incomplete since the fall."
Creon sat down. "This Sergeant Nwaro, what happened to him?"
"Can't be sure, sir. As I said, the records are incomplete."
"The records are incomplete." Creon said, nodding, as if understanding. He leaned down to his lower desk drawer and removed something. "You didn't think to check? Make some calls?"
"I didn't think it important, sir."
"No. Which means either you're not as smart as I thought you were, or you're not as dedicated. Which is it?" Creon asked, still seeming jolly and convivial.
Ixim shook his head silently, unable to formulate a response to the question as it was.
"Shall I decide for you, Ixim?" Creon asked.
Ixim nodded his head.
"Alright. Both." Creon pointed the disruptor he'd removed from his bottom drawer at Ixim. It fired a stream of green particles which quickly deatomised the screaming Ixim, who burned away to nothing one atom at a time. "It's just so hard to find competent staff these days, don't you find? All I want to see is a little bit of gumption." Creon placed the disruptor back in its drawer, and pushed it shut. "Now, what can I help our friends in the Free State with today?"
Seyel loomed by the door, paralyzed by the scene that unfolded before them.
Meanwhile, Decan had settled into a chair, for a front row view of the horrific event.
Shaking himself back to reality, Decan sat straight and spoke. Willing himself to be calm after the murder he just witnessed. A life taken without a second thought. "I decided that we should meet if only to bolster an image of mutual understanding." he said, reciting the words D'Darran had planned for him. He raised an eyebrow, keeping his voice level.
"I agree completely. Many of us in the Imperial Command have been assembling a new treaty that will allow the two halves of the Romulan Empire to co-exist. The Empress will present it, when it is ready. There's no need for us to be enemies. You've got the Klingons to think about. Piss off the Federation and you're fresh meat to the bat'leths."
Decan scoffed at the mere mention of Sela. "A treaty? " He asked in an accusatory tone.
"So what do you want, then. Photo opportunity? A declaration of friendship to be shouted on the promenade, and in every Romulan plaza? What would make the Free State more inclined to co-operate with their Empress?" Creon asked, shouldering through whatever else Decan may have wanted to discuss.
No longer able to contain his distaste for Sela, "WE WILL NOT BEND THE KNEE TO THE HALFLING USURPER!!!" He was offended on behalf of his Imperial Ancestors, who ruled the Empire at the height of it's glory. Decan's breath became heavy. He did his best retain a front of diplomacy but Creon made it very difficult. "The Free State retains no firm stance, other than that of reunification of our people. On reasonable terms."
"Sela is Empress because she commanded the largest single fleet after the fall. What was left of the continuing committee had no choice but to give her everything she wanted. It's amazing how exile to the outer provinces can become a promotion. If you've got a better candidate in mind, I'm open to suggestions. The arrangements can be made." Creon said suggestively.
"I only seek to remind you, Ambassador, that the Royal line was abolished for a reason." He eyed the older man, "It was determined that a government of representatives was the best course. A course which the Free State holds true."
"Under normal circumstances you are of course correct. But these are not normal circumstances. Our homeworld was destroyed. The heart of our Empire was incinerated and there's still no good answer as to why. Until the Empire is safe, democracy only stands in the way. Look at how it has split us already. Ideologues like D'Tan get the smell of power in the vacuum, and they strike. The law of the Romulan Empire says Sela is Sovereign. If you won't obey the laws of our forefathers, why should we trust you at all?" Creon taunted, looking around at the others, wondering if they were going to say anything or were purely ornamental.
Decan let out a sigh of frustration, "Give us the room." He said to his Security staff.
Seyel opened his mouth to protest, Decan simply raised his hand. The two Guards filed out of the room.
"I know you know the situation my family is in, but I don't think you understand what's at stake for us." Decan looked around, "We wanted to re-join the Empire after the destruction of Romulus. But people of the Free State were rallying to us. We couldn't simply leave them, and it seemed unlikely D'Tan would let us go easily."
"Drowning in public sentiment. Bogged in a swamp of affectionate upstarts. Some people have all the misfortune. But I wouldn't expect any less from a son of S'Ranya Mirok. She had a way of making things work out in her favour. I learned a lot from her." Creon said.
Decan spoke through clenched teeth, "You would call it luck, being hostage to the will of others?"
"You could've been incinerated. You could've been murdered in bed and had your assets plundered before the morning. You've got good people working for you. If not for my own effective but understated history at the Tal Shiar, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now. You fell into being an Ambassador because your parents were important. You're useful to someone if they sent you here. I'd call that luck." Creon said, unimpressed by Decan's free and volatile emotions.
Decan stood, and paced, He thought for a moment and then spoke. "My apologies Ambassador, for interrupting you. I'll leave you to you work."
"Of course, Ambassador. If you need anything, just ask Ixim for.. Ahem." He cleared his throat, laughing a little at the irony of his mistake. "Just ask the embassy for anything we might be able to do for you. Otherwise, I'll see you when we meet the Founder, hmm?" Lucius asked, standing to say farewell.
Decan nodded, and turned to depart. He seemed to be leaving with almost none of his questions answered, and more forming in his reeling mind.
When Decan was gone, Creon opened a channel to his own consul. "I'm going to need another Ixim. And he'll need a demotion. Which means I'll need a new Chief of Security. See which one you can get a hold of first, and give the job to them.”
Location: Security Suite - Starbase 51
Timeline: Morning – Shortly after Romulan Imperialist delegation arrival
Lorcan stood tall, his uniform well pressed, as he made his way to the Security office. The Ambassador entrusted him to negotiate a sensitive matter with the Station's Security Chief. His heart was pounding in his ears, as he arrived at his destination.
Alex was sitting at the assistant's desk outside her office, watching Grey Horse model some of the bandolieers that had been sent ahead as potential formal attire by the Federation Cultural Exchange. Grey Horse posed with his rifle in a variety of positions, as Alex watched, intrigued, but confident she wouldn't recommend the adoption of any of them.
Alex noticed the boxy silhouette of a Romulan approaching, and took her feet from the desk, standing up. "Subcommander.. Lorcan, right?" Alex asked, as Grey Horse turned to attention.
Lorcan raised an eyebrow at the Human female "Lieutenant Commander Alex Flynn." He responded.
"What can I do for you?" She asked, taking her seat once more. "I thought we weren't due to have our confab for another couple of hours?
The Romulan checked his chronometer. "This is the appopinted time. Did you need to reschedule?" he asked, the annoyance clear in his voice.
"Oh, no, it's fine." Alex said, taking her journal out of her pocket and checking today's date. She must have written it down wrong. That or the Romulan was deliberately screwing with her. She wouldn't put it past them, they'd been unrepentantly sinister for supposed allies. "Come in." She said, walking through the doorway to her office, leaving Grey Horse to stare at the Romulan in his strange assembly of bandolieers. Alex took a seat behind her desk, and leaned back in her chair, putting her boots up on the table. "So what can we do for each other?" She asked, as Grey Horse replicated both of them glasses of water, passing one to each before leaving the room.
Lorcan looked tense, "It is a rather...sensitive...matter, Commander."
"Don't let my practiced nonchalance fool you, I'm very sensitive. Discrete. If it's a secret it doesn't leave the room." She took her packet of cigarettes out of her desk and held them up. "Do you mind? Or, y'know, want one?"
Lorcan was not amused at the situation, "I'm sure you understand the allocation of personnel is a serious issue within the Free State." He did not wait for a response, "We have a very limited Romulan Guard, and are requesting Starfleet assist in suplementing the Security staff."
"Right." Alex said, half expecting him to blackmail her into killing someone. "I heard you had to leave your whole Reman complement back on New Romulus. Running short without slaves." She lit her cigarette, and realized she was thinking out loud. "Uh. I can have a look at the numbers, and we might be able to work something out, but I can't just authorize a chunk of my staff to go work for you. We'd need to speak to the XO about it at least. What do you need more people for, anyway? If anything goes wrong, we'll probably know about it before you do."
"Our Embassy was not allotted a Reman company." Lorcan said point blank, " you'll use discretion on the matter, Commander. Only discussing it with who you must."
"Of course. I'm still a Starfleet Officer." Alex said, unsurprised by the Romulan's complete lack of trust.
"Good, " The Romulan produced a PADD, "Then you will have no problem signing this non-disclosure agreement." He slid the PADD to Flynn.
Alex took the padd and scanned it quickly. "What if I don't?" She asked. "Is the Free State going to sue me?"
"The Free State would recieve word from the Embassy of Starfleet's refusal for aid, and they would begin to pull out of talks for peace." Lorcan said, exaggerating of course, but his Hyperbole made a point.
"Well, you are our allies. Who am I to stand in the way of galactic peace." She pressed her thumb firmly onto the screen, and her identifying information appeared in the necessary places. "I'll speak with the XO. Is there anything else we can do for you?"
"Are you aware of the murder that has taken place aboard your Station, Commander?" Lorcan asked, his eyes glistening.
Alex choked on the breath of smoke she was taking when he finished his question. "Mur - egh." She coughed, and grabbed a glass of water from the replicator beneath her desk. "Murder? We haven't had a single reported casualty aside from the tourist who had a stroke on the promenade."
Lorcan shook his head, suddenly unsure the Commander could actually do anything about it. "The Imperial Ambassador did away with one of his Aides, in front of Ambassador Decan." His voice was even.
"This is a pretty serious accusation." Alex said, taking a pen from her desk and opening her notebook. "Were you present?"
"No but, the Ambassador and one of my men had a front row seat." The Romulan said, growing angrier.
"What exactly happened?" Alex asked, scribbling.
"His Excellency had a meeting with Ambassador Creon. Upon arriving in Creon's private office, he took it upon himself to disintegrate his aide as a means to unnerve Ambassador Decan." He produced another PADD, "This is Seyel's testimony of the event. I'm sure if you look into sensor logs you'll find disruptor fire in the Imperial Embassy, and a missing aide named Ixim."
"Ixim." She repeated, writing the name down. "Which one was Ixim? Can you describe him?" Alex wondered if he was the scar faced man she'd seen when they boarded. He was unsettling.
"The scarred one, with the tattoos of mourning." Lorcan said, "The rather dour looking one."
"I'll follow up on it next chance I get. Thanks for bringing this to me." Alex let out a puff of smoke. "I'll make sure there's never anybody too far away from the embassy, just in case." Alex swiped the screen of the pad, uploading the file to her desk terminal. She slid it back across the table to Lorcan. "Was there anything else?"
"I have the Romulan Guard assigned around the clock, to guard the Ambassador. Unfortunately that leaves the remainder of the Embassy exposed." Lorcan confessed, standing to leave "The sooner we can have a joint detail set-up the better."
"I'll see what I can do." Alex said, nodding and gritting her teeth. She took a deep drag of her cigarette, and tried to keep her poker face. She knew frustration came with the territory of diplomatic security. "Thank you for your time."
Lorcan gave a curt nod to the officer, and departed the office.
Location: Starbase 51 - Imperial Romulan Embassy
Timeline: After 'Soldier of the Free State' - 2395, First Month aboard Starbase 51
Alex and Grey Horse entered the Imperial Embassy on time, as expected. She half expected the laser grid that passed over them to seperate each of them into suffering little cubes of meat, but still they survived, and entered the grand lobby. They were greeted by Rhianha Creon, who approached quickly, watching them.
“Lieutenant Flynn. Chief Grey Horse. How can I be of assistance today?” Rhianha folded her arms behind her back as she reached the pair.
“There’s been an accusation from the Free State Embassy about a murder that supposedly took place here.” Alex said, not wanting to waste time or give the Romulan anything to obfuscate or distract them with.
“That’s a pretty serious accusation to make against a diplomatic mission. Do you have any proof?” Rhianha asked, looking at Grey Horse, wondering what his purpose was.
“None yet. Is there somewhere we can go to talk?” Alex asked, hoping they had a bar.
“Of course. Please follow me.” Rhianha lead them to the small tavern inside the embassy. They walked in silence, and ordered drinks. Alex had a beer, Rhianha a Romulan Ale, and Grey Horse asked for firewater, but the Romulan system gave him it’s best approximation. He did not seem to enjoy it, but was polite enough to not say anything.
They sat in a booth, near the back. There were only a few other Imperials present, but all were sufficiently far away or involved in their own business.
“So how can we assist you to dismiss the Free State’s slander?” Rhianha asked, suddenly reminding Alex that she was a Creon with her cruel political deftness.
“We’d like a copy of your sensor logs from during Ambassador Decan’s visit. If what they’re saying is true, there should be proof.”
“It’s not, so there isn’t.”
“I’d like to see the logs, all the same. They don’t fall under diplomatic privilege.”
“Unlike your Captain’s location. How’s that working out for you?”
Alex ignored the question, taking a sip of her beer and producing her packet of cigarettes. She offered one to Rhianha, who took it with some curiosity. Like most Romulans who partook, she was more accustomed to tubes attached to metallic spheres filled with flammables. The paper cigarette fascinated her. Grey Horse in the meanwhile, was packing his traditional pipe with natural tobacco. Alex lit hers, and gave the lighter to Rhianha. She seemed to like it.
“Can I tell the XO that you’ll co-operate, or should I go straight to the Ambassador?”
“We’ll co-operate, of course. The Empire has nothing to hide. Though I’m worried you’ll run out of hours in the day if you intend to follow up on every accusation the Free State has to throw at us.”
“We’ll see if they’re crying wolf. For the moment at least, they get the benefit of the doubt.” Alex took a swig of her beer.
“I’ll speak to my father. I’m sure he’ll have no problem with it.” Rhianha smiled, sipping her blue ale.
“Good to hear. So what’s your job here, exactly?”
“I’m head of Security for the Imperial Embassy.”
“What happened to the old head of security?” She asked, remembering that Ixim had been introduced as such.
“He was demoted for poor performance.”
“Demoted with a disruptor?”
Rhianha half-smiled, dismissively. “I can summon him, if you’d like.”
“I would like.” Alex nodded.
“Ixim, to the tavern.” Rhianha ordered into her wrist communicator.
They sat in relative quiet, smoking and drinking until he arrived, scarred and unhappy as ever.
“Prod Creon?” He asked in Romulan, as he arrived, ignoring the two humans.
“This human seems to think you’re dead, Ixim. Could you persuade her otherwise?” She asked the mangled Romulan.
“What manner of proof do you require, human?” Ixim asked, all patience he had gone almost instantly.
“Just stand there a second.” Alex took the forensic tricorder from her belt, and pointed it at him, scanning for a moment until she had all the readings she needed. “Thanks. That’ll be all, I think.” She said, feeling all the more stupid for investigating the death of a man standing right in front of her.
Ixim left without another word.
“Are you satisfied that he’s alive, Lieutenant Commander?” Rhianha asked, finishing her ale, and dropping her mostly smoked cigarette in the glass. It hissed as the papers drank in the remaining liquid, and the fires inside died.
“I’ll send you a copy of my report. This whole thing is weird, but I can’t say yet that any crime has been committed. I’ll schedule another meeting if we need to speak again.” Alex said, standing, downing the last of her beer. Grey Horse’s drink was barely touched, he too stood up.
“I look very much forward to it.” Rhianha beamed a fetching smile at Flynn, as the Starfleet Officers left the Imperial Grounds.