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Second mission review log

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2024 @ 3:32pm by Captain Rovak

293 words; about a 1 minute read

Station Commander’s log, Stardate 79675.02.

It has been just over two weeks since we acquired the USS Excalibur and destroyed the creature identified to us as a ‘Dalek’. In almost a century in Starfleet, I have never seen an individual being cause such anguish among survivors from its very nature.

Ideological concerns aside, it seems its death is the best possible outcome. Deep Space 13 has made a number of discoveries in recent days.

We have learned that the anomaly in the opposite orbit of Dreizhen III changes every six days, twelve hours and eighteen minutes. While we can force it into earlier transition using the rainbow bridge protocol, the energy consumption of this process demands a refuelling of deuterium reserves from extreme use.

This discovery means that we can begin survey missions through the anomaly with the understanding that any time spent in paralell universes is limited, and that return within the allowed time is a primary concern.

Lieutenant Atna will be leading a symposium for the scientific staff aboard the Challenger upon its arrival, and they will share all new knowledge of the anomaly gathered since our arrival. It would appear Lieutenant Atna is currently the Federation’s foremost authority on such matters, given the lack of precedential discoveries elsewhere.

Reports indicate that once again, the station was destroyed from the perspective of those that undertook our last mission. It is a disturbing trend that I intend to arrest, but I am comforted by the reality that the station remains, and all of its crew remain in good health.

The Challenger should be arriving this morning, and with it Admiral Gali will begin his command of the sector, and we will begin to integrate the new crew he has brought.

End log.


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