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A drink with not-so-strangers

Posted on Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 4:00am by Lieutenant S'Lace & Warrior Choq, Son of None & Commander Utlaq Son of Ha'Qaam

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Masters of the Stars [2]
Location: The Spot, Civilian Sector, DS13
Timeline: After 'Grand Opening', Evening - MD03

After Ambassador Velt had made a speech and the official starfleet business seemed to be concluded, few had left. The Spot was fuller than expected, word it seemed had got out about the promotional special, and residents weren't shy about taking advantage of it. The Ambassador was talking closely to a trio of rather fetching young Romulan women. Even Captain Rovak and Ambassador Creon were engaged in conversation at her table, both of their daughters also seemed to chat eagerly to one another, having discovered something in common that fascinated both.

S'Lace sat at the bar, nursing a flute of altair water as she spent much of her time people watching. She was counting down to a polite time to make her exit. She only have five point one min-

"Excuse me, ma'am." A young Bajoran server said to S'Lace, offering her a tray with a heavy goblet of bloodwine on it. He'd done well to keep from spilling it as he approached through the thick crowd.

S'Lace regarded the goblet, then the server...

The server pointed across the bar to a table where two Klingons sat, one with long brown hair, the other with very little white hair, all on his chin. Each had their own almost comically oversized goblet for the beverage.

Oh no. Not here. Not now. How...why...

S'Lace favored the server with a grave nod and abandoned the flute as she accepted the goblet. In sight of the Klingons she took a long pull of the vile concoction. Then she strode over to the table.

It was time to re-acquaint herself with her former in-laws...

"Glory to your house, madame." Utlaq said, standing as S'Lace reached them. "My friend and I were just saying to one another that unless we are much mistaken, you are S'Lace, once the bride of Klarth." Utlaq stated plainly, in his unexpectedly well-spoken way.

"I am," S'Lace replied. She had forgotten just how...potent blood wine could be and felt her body's intent to reject it. Fortunately her mastery of her body was up to the challenge, "Glory to your house as well. Welcome to Deep Space 13. You are Klarth's cousin, correct? Through his Mother's line."

"Second cousin, yes. You honour me with your recollection. As long as I live, I will not forget the moment at your wedding where you knocked our aunt Jujin on her behind when she proved overeager during the ceremonial attack at the conclusion." Utlaq said, laughing heartily.

S'Lace nodded at the memory as she took a seat at the table and set the goblet of blood wine before her. She performed mental calculations in regards to how much of the liquid she could safely imbibe and judged she might be able to finish the serving without requiring a trip to sickbay. Which was good because she did not wish to explain to the staff why she had poisoned herself. At the mention of "aunt Jujin" she recalled breaking three knuckles in the process.

"But where are my manners, this is my friend Choq, he too serves the Dowager General in the Imperial embassy. What has brought you all the way out here?" Utlaq asked.

"I have been re-activated by Starfleet," S'Lace explained, "And have been assigned Chief Medical Officer of this facility. What brings you to these distant shores?" she inquired politely. The could not be here upon Klarth's behalf. Sure not...

"Duty. My mistress the Lady Kloh'theQ was appointed by the Chancellor to represent the Empire here, Martok does not wish to leave such a curiosity as this anomaly you have discovered unsupervised by Klingon eyes. Is it truly what they say, a doorway to another universe?" Utlaq asked the Doctor.

"Such information is classified," S'Lace replied. So, Utlaq was to be assigned here. And he would send word to Klarth. And Klarth...

Well...perhaps Klarth had moved on. Perhaps. S'Lace hesitated, then added, "I should say, I am reluctant to divulge details without my superior's approval. It is a most interesting assignment so far. Events have kept the staff...occupied..."

"Of course. Please accept my apologies, it is not my intention to compromise you. I leave such subterfuge to the diplomats." Utlaq said with a laugh.

"No apology necessary," S'Lace replied, "Your curiosity is understandable."

"On the subject of compromise.. I would ask your permission before I relayed any news of you to my cousin. I may recommend you deny me, if it bothers you that the fires of his heart still burn only for you." Utlaq stated forthrightly.

"...Does it," S'Lace noted. She never quite understood what Klarth saw in her.She was not a passionate female...Well, all right, there were certain circumstances where...and Klarth could...

She sighed inwardly. In the end there was only so much of Klarth she could take. Humans were so emotional but it was something most Vulcans could handle. But many Klingons were like humans only so much moreso with their deep angers and disorienting gregariousness, as if life could end for them at any moment and they would embrace what their was of it with both meaty, calloused hands...

"Your offer is greatly appreciated," S'Lace finally replied, "But I would not wish to place you in a position where your honor or familial obligations were in any way compromised." S'Lace imagined If Klarth found out his cousin knew she was here and had not told him it would hurt him greatly. S'Lace never wanted to harm Klarth; the knife to his stomach was merely pro-forma to secure the divorce...

"If I may ask, Doctor, and it does not open old wounds..." Choq began in his clear but soft-spoken voice, "How does a Vulcan end up married to a Klingon to begin with? The contrast is quite striking."

S'Lace considered the question, then she took a long pull at the goblet of blood wine and forced it down.

"It is an excellent question," she finally replied, "And one I have asked myself numerous times over the years. I...suppose the only answer is Klarth courting me and ultimately winning my hand in marriage may be the most singular victory of his life," a ghost of a smile crossed her face, "At least, he said as much."

She stood, "When you speak to Klarth please give him my regards."

"Good evening, Doctor." Choq said with a nod.

"I shall do as you ask, Doctor. Thank you for indulging us with your presence." Utlaq said, raising his goblet in a gesture to acknowledge what he assumed was her departure.

S'Lace strode from the bar steadily, and once she was out of sight from the Klingons she all but ran to the nearest turbolift. If she were fortunate she might...might be able to make it to Sickbay before vomiting...


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