A Home Away From Home - Part 3
Posted on Wed Mar 19th, 2025 @ 8:07am by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Mana'i
Edited on on Mon Mar 24th, 2025 @ 12:34pm
1,375 words; about a 7 minute read
The Serpent's Tooth [3]
Location: VIP Quarters
Timeline: After "Meeting Mana'i"
Now the Continuation…
Rune watched as Mana’i inspected her new quarters, taking in every detail of her home away from home. He listened as she described what her people’s dwellings looked like, and as she spoke, something clicked in his mind. The holographic customization system. His grin widened slightly. That could be useful. As she expressed her desire to learn more about their universe, Rune took a step toward the replicator, motioning for her to follow.
"Well, first things first, Mana’i," he said, stopping next to the box-like device. Turning to face her, he gestured toward the replicator’s fluorescent-lit recess—a rectangular prism-shaped space, about level with his arms and hands. It stood roughly at Rune’s height, blending seamlessly into the wall like much of the station’s utilitarian design.
"This is a replicator," he explained. "It’s capable of manufacturing anything that isn’t alive or anything that requires direct energy charging. We primarily use it for making food, drinks, clothing, and decorations." He paused, making sure she followed before adding, "Of course, it won’t create melee weapons unless authorized by Security officers." His tone carried a hint of amusement—likely a safeguard meant to prevent incidents.
"There are larger replicators available for bigger items if you need them," he continued, leaving the possibility open for her to explore. Satisfied with that introduction, Rune walked to the computer terminal Mana’i had gestured to earlier. He tapped the main control, the screen responding instantly. "This is a data terminal," he said, turning back toward her. "It works as a visual display for any information you want to access—unless classified, of course."
With a small nod, he gestured toward the Federation emblem—a circular insignia spinning lazily on the display. "We have smaller and larger mobile versions of this called PADDs," he continued. "I can get some for you if you prefer. They serve the same function—allowing you to browse and read whatever information you need." His gaze flicked back to the emblem, a small smirk forming.
"That’s the emblem of the United Federation of Planets," he explained. "We like our symbols and labels in this universe, so you’ll see a lot of them." With that, he turned back toward the computer interface, his posture shifting into something more formal as he issued a command aloud.
"Computer, please grant access for Toa Mana’i to all Federation and external databases that VIP guests have clearance for." For an outsider, it might have looked as if he were speaking to empty space.
A disembodied feminine voice responded, smooth and precise. "VIP security clearance granted to Toa Mana’i for multiple database access."
Rune watched Mana’i carefully, his curiosity piqued. He wondered how she would react to something as simple—and yet, as fundamentally alien—as the station’s Computer.
Mana'i seemed stunned, looking around the room, presumably in search of the source of the disembodied voice. "Well then. I suppose I shall have to adapt." She decided, seeming a little confused that she couldn't quite find the unseen speaker. "And learn. Possibly from scratch. I think I might not be sleeping tonight, even."
"And yes. I'd like a... what did you call it, a pad? Yes, please. I have a feeling I'll be using it quite a lot." She added.
A little concerned Rune went over to the replicator again. "Computer please replicate 4 large padds for Toa Mana'i and once they are complete, link them to cultural, social and political databases for research into our universe's state of affairs for a multiversal visitor."
"Acknowledged," the feminine voice replied and the replicator inset nook glowed as 4 large padds materialised. Soon they lit up as power was transferred into them from the wireless emitters in the replicator.
"If you have need of specific information you can ask the computer to retrieve it." Rune explained then collected the padds once they chirped. He crossed to Mana'i. "How long should a Toa sleep?" He inquired as he offered the stack of padds.
"Six... well, six hours." Mana'i replied as she accepted the tall pile of tabletlike devices. "I've never really been able to sleep more than that, to be honest. I suppose being woken up at odd hours to do odd things does that to someone." She settled on the sofa with the PADDs placed next to her. "Ah. Yes. I suppose you all will be wanting to examine me medically tomorrow, then. The way you're all treating me, I might as well be an alien to you all - aren't I?" She quipped.
Rune nodded. "You've summarised us up completely. No one will hurt you, if that's what you are worried about. The medical staff won't do anything invasive, mostly scans, I'd assume. Maybe take a sample, if you are willing. You do not have to do anything you don't want to do."
He grinned. "Next up is this little feature. Computer adapt these quarters for an Andorian or Aenar."
The quarters transformed before their eyes, the familiar space dissolving into a realm of stark, crystalline beauty. A biting cold swept across the room, and where once smooth, neutral walls had stood, now glistened sheets of ice, intricately layered and shimmering in the low light. Despite the surreal change, the basic layout remained—a comforting constant amid the dramatic shift. The replicator and doors, steadfast and unchanged, lent an air of continuity to the scene.
The computer terminal sat where it was in the transformed quarters, its screen glowing against a desk of smooth blue ice, an arresting piece of technology in this frozen tableau. Along the walls, Andorian and Aenar art and decorations added splashes of color and cultural depth to the otherwise monochrome expanse. Their elegant designs, echoing ancient traditions, provided a poignant contrast to the icy, futuristic surroundings.
Every detail of the quarters now evoked both the cold rigor of an Andorian winter and the refined aesthetics of a long-forgotten artistic era, blending the technological with the timeless in a mesmerizing display.
Mana'i glanced around the newly redecorated room, perhaps in wonder. She rose to her feet and inspected the artworks closely, running her fingers over the intricate designs. "I think I'll have to spend the night exploring these, too, now. I can't possibly rest when there is so much I have yet to discover." She said. "I'm sure your computer will have a wealth of knowledge for me to read up on. What time will you all be coming by to escort me to your medical facilities tomorrow?"
That was the question, and Rune mused quietly to himself. "It may not be me—it could be another officer. Regardless, the technology capable of creating this new environment is called Holograms. It's made from light and reorganized matter, using the same underlying principles as the Replicator." He swept his hand through the transformed quarters, his eyes lingering on the icy walls and blue-hued desk, then gestured toward the replicator as he finished his explanation.
"You can provide the Computer with a detailed description of your home, or a place you know well, and it will recreate it for you if you wish," Rune offered with a hint of hesitancy in his voice. He was concerned that she'd experience homesickness far more if she followed through with his suggestion. "Of course, this capability can greatly assist with your exploration—allowing you to experience new and familiar environments without ever leaving your quarters." He chuckled softly, adding, "though I suspect you'll want to explore the station first."
The room, with its crystalline ice formations and elegant Andorian and Aenar art, stood as a testament to the marvels of holographic technology—a blend of science and artistry that blurred the lines between reality and imagination.
"I will, when I get the opportunity. For now, I suppose I shall busy myself reading about you and your organisation. I've heard a great many amazing things already, in fact." Mana'i chuckled. "Till tomorrow, then... Rune."
He couldn't help but smile at her using his name. "Till next time Mana'i. Enjoy." Rune gave a half bow and left the icy quarters, he figured she'd like the ice considering it is her element.