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A Thulling Move

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 3:39am by Lieutenant Rune Thul & Vestar Khai & Captain Rovak & Rear Admiral Abhishek Singh
Edited on on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 10:42am

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: DownTime [1]
Location: Alpha Dock, Docking Port 3, DS13
Timeline: 1350 Hours, MD00

In the last half hour, Rovak had received the news that the Chief of Security who was set to arrive in two weeks aboard the Challenger had been gravely injured, and would no longer be making the transfer. He went straight to Admiral Singh, already waiting to depart, who he hoped would have someone suitable among his massive crew complement. And so the Admiral had, Rovak could see he was crossing the airlock with a yellow-shirted officer.

"You are cutting things very fine, Mr Rovak. I had hoped to keep Mr Thul here in my command, but it seems you have found a greater need for him." Admiral Singh said with disappointment. "Thank you for your service, Lieutenant. Your contributions will be missed." Singh offered the Lieutenant his hand.

"It is always my honour to be of service to Starfleet, Admiral," Lieutenant Rune Thul replied with a smile, he blinked, oh no he was going to have to quickly retrieve his imzadi and their children from the ship. It was about to depart, before he could speak of his request, his new commanding officer spoke first.

"We appreciate your flexibility, Lieutenant. We are grateful to have a security chief with your level of experience." Rovak told the Betazoid, gesturing towards the hallway behind them, hoping to walk and talk.

"Sirs, I have to get my family and our belongings off the ship, they don't know about this yet." Rune panicked as his hands went straight to the sides of his head. "I don't even know they'd accept it here." He looked between the senior officers. "Please give me a few hours," he pleaded.

It seemed that the Four Deities, Altha (Peace/Stability), Imza (Love/Compassion), Fana (Nature) and Tholta (Truth/Honesty) had come to the Lieutenant's aid once again. Vestar Khai came walking up to them from the station's main areas towards the airlock, it seemed that he'd had the children with him holding bags. They must have been shopping and must have lost track of the time, and Rune glanced over to them as he thanked the Deities for both that they were coming, and he had been here to see them.

"Excuse me sirs," Rune said quickly and went over to Vestar. "Imzadi, Commander Rovak of this station needs a Chief Security Officer and if you and the kids are willing to move here, I'll officially accept?"

He watched his husband and the suspense was eating him, a stern glance from Vestar quelled most of the tension after Vestar glanced over at their children. Tomnas and Kirk seemed uncaring as they were having a quiet conversation about their purchases, Priza seemed to be considering it like Vestar was.

"I saw there was much commercial space," Vestar said as he glanced back the way they came. He seemed unsure but the thought 'perhaps it was worth a try,' brushed Rune's mind as Vestar made eye contact again to see a growing smile on Rune's face. "Oh, I guess one more move won't hurt, considering how many we have done."

Priza sighed but spoke up. "Very well fathers," she offered, "what about our stuff?"

"I already asked for a few hours to get our stuff," Rune said to his daughter, who he hoped might take an interest in Betazoid leadership one day as the Seventh House, the house of Courage, needed a Thul matriarch once again. Thankfully, the Kizak family was temporarily holding the ruling position since his parents died. Officially, a Thul matriarch had to be placed before power to another family could be made.

"Very well, imzadi, we better rush back to our quarters and pack, though I think most of our stuff is still packed from the move to that ship." Vestar noted as he gestured quickly to the airlock.

That was a saving grace, Rune thanked their lack of organisation occasionally. "I believe so, yes, I'll have the transporter operator beam it all over... Hold on..." He said, and returned to the Admiral and Commander. His family followed along.

"Admiral, could I quickly organise our stuff for transport?" Rune asked of his now former commanding officer.

"Time is at a premium, Lieutenant. I can however offer all the assistance you might need and more, I know of almost a hundred engineers currently sitting around. Perhaps with many pairs of hands, all objectives could be achieved in a single trip?" Admiral Singh suggested.

Rune grinned and gave a casual salute. "Thank you sir, I'll call beta team." He knew most of them, and so he could take the opportunity to say goodbyes to them.

He turned to Commander Rovak, his new commanding officer. "Sir, do you know of family quarters that we could move into immediately?"

"Of course Lieutenant. Deck 12's larger accommodations are practically empty. Holographics are installed in all the senior staff quarters, space is not an issue. Is it just the five of you?" Rovak asked.

While the Thuls did appreciate the advancing holographics, they still enjoyed their real belongings and so most of their furniture would be transported while the boxes and containers could be carried. Their quarters were relatively close to the airlock, Rune happened to realised strangely. "Deck 12, yes, just us five." He wondered if he could convince a few others to join him but banished those wandering thoughts immediately as he smiled at his new commanding officer. "I better get to it."

Just then, he heard Vestar's voice from the airlock's closing door. "Let's go pack kids."

I'm so lucky to have him, Rune mused along his telepathic bond with the Joined Trill. Yes you are now come, came the reply. He chuckled as he was about to head back onto the ship as Commander Rovak generously offered to come along and help.

"I would offer my assistance." Rovak said.

"Are you sure, sir?" Rune asked as they headed through the airlock, he assumed that Singh followed.

"Many hands make light work, Lieutenant." Admiral Singh answered on Rovak's behalf, he had never known a Vulcan to change their mind.

The troops arrived at the quarters that were designated as Senior Officer family quarters, Beta team began filing in with boxes as did Rune, Tomnas, Kirk, Priza, Vestar and Commander Rovak. It was quite the operation. Within the hour, one part of the quarters was filled with boxes.

"When you are ready, Chief," Vestar called after tapping his combadge.

"Energising Mister Thul," came the transporter operator's voice, a little sad sounded as it seemed that the Thuls sudden departure had spread across the ship in no time and many had called them with farewells which Vestar answered on the way here. Rune took just as many and surprising Tomnas, Kirk and Priza had their friends and others call them too.

Tears later, as the Thuls furniture materialised near where they wanted the various pieces, the kids and Vestar went about sorting things out. Most of the engineers had left once their farewells had finished. It was just the Thuls and Commander Rovak in the quarters.

Can you handle without me for a bit, I think the Commander wants to discuss my duties? Rune telepathically asked Vestar, who nodded. But tonight we will see how it all looks, call when you're done, we might go exploring again. Vestar replied.

"Commander thank you for helping, since this was a last minute transfer I don't know much about the station nor its personnel, may I request a tour and maybe meet some of the other senior officers?" Rune asked as he gestured to the quarters' door.

"Of course, Lieutenant. I have some time free in my schedule. Do you wish for a moment with your family, or are you ready to go now?" Rovak asked.

"Ready to go, Commander, they are good." Rune replied with a smile.

"Very well, let us begin." Rovak said, leading the new Chief out the door.


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