Unlocked are its Bolts [✱4]
Posted on Fri Mar 14th, 2025 @ 7:48am by Captain Rovak & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Major Victoria, Daughter of Kalath & Ensign Nimah & Lieutenant Onda Duros & Staff Warrant Officer Umet'Okan & Lord Akhenaten & First Prime Kanahkt
Edited on on Fri Mar 14th, 2025 @ 7:51am
3,015 words; about a 15 minute read
The Serpent's Tooth [3]
Location: Bridge, USS Excalibur
Timeline: 0110 - MD07 (After 'The doors of the horizon')
“Greetings, Akhenaten.” Rovak said to the resplendently dressed being in the helmet that appeared on his viewscreen.
“Lord Akhenaten.” One of the burly men standing next to the Pharoah-like leader said. He had the same mark as the others in the middle of his forehead, except his looked to be made of gold instead of just tattooed skin. It was a simple circle.
“..Lord Akhenaten.” Rovak corrected himself. “You have entered the space of the United Federation of Planets. Our sensors have detected many armed individuals aboard, and that your vessels are capable of waging war, this means we must discuss the standing down of your forces and weapons before consideration can be given to your request for sanctuary.”
“The Great King Akhenaten, beloved of the Aten, will never surrender his strength.” The man with the golden sigil said in his own uniquely deep booming voice, but it sounded still to be within the limits of human capability. The Pharoah put his hand to the man’s chest to quieten him.
“Forgive the zeal of my First Prime. You must understand, we come from a place where our kind are feared and violently despised. Treachery is the expectation of any dealing.” Akhenaten said, before turning to the First Prime and placing a hand on his shoulder, which was almost a head higher than Akhenaten’s own.
“Your caution is wise, my faithful Kanahkt. But we are through the double-doors of the horizon. It is as my father the Aten has guided us. This is the city of the horizon.” The Pharaoh told his man in his booming, almost hypnotic voice, and turned back to the screen.
“I will come aboard your ship, Captain Rovak. We shall discuss the terms, and I will bring them to my fellows. While all with us follow my guidance in the way of the Aten, I am master only of this vessel and those within. It is best that we determine terms, and I bring them to the Lords of those within our accompanying ships. They will listen, in time, but they are fierce and proud, and freely worshipped by all who serve them.” The Pharoah said.
“We have technology that allows us to transport you from within your vessel to our own. We can bring you here almost instantly.” Rovak said, letting the strange language of the visitor wash over him, knowing the others would be dissecting it for meaning and context.
“We too have ring-transports, but for the sake of security, we shall ride one of my vessels. It will be myself, my First Prime Kanahkt, and a pilot, by your leave.” Akhenaten said.
“Very well. We will be ready to receive you in one forty-eighth of the length of the third planet’s rotation. Thirty minutes, in our measurements.” Rovak said.
“Thirty minutes it shall be.” Akhenaten agreed, and the channel closed.
“Dock the ship, but be ready to depart again in twenty minutes.” Rovak ordered.
USS Excalibur Shuttlebay
Akhenaten was punctual, and a vaguely pyramidic shuttlecraft entered the Excalibur’s docking bay almost precisely thirty minutes after the channel between the Excalibur and Akhenaten’s ship had closed.
The shuttle hovered over the turntable and a circular panel on its underside retracted. From within came a series of hovering rings with a distinct magnetic hum that went straight down and stacked on top of each other, with a gap of roughly one ring’s thickness between them. A glowing light descended from the top ring to the bottom, and suddenly Akhenaten and his massive First Prime Kanahkt appeared.
The rings retracted, but the two visitors remained where they were. They could only assume the large man was Kanahkt, he wore golden armour with a helmet fashioned like the head of a massive serpent, with glowing red eyes. He carried a long spear-like weapon with an ovular head that appeared like it would split and open out, it’s tail was a vaguely cobra-shaped club. It was not obviously technological, but looking closely one could see triggers and activators built within the organically-styled handle halfway down the shaft.
“Behold; The Great Pharoah Akhenaten. Strong-Bull-Appearing-as-Justice; He of the Two Ladies, Establishing Laws and causing the Two-Sectors to be Pacified; Pharoah of Gold, Mighty-of-Arm-when-He-Smites-the-Tau’ri; King of Upper and Lower Karnak, Lord of the Truth. Son of the Aten, Atenhotep, Aten is pleased. Hek Wase, Ruler of Goa’uld, Given Life.” Kanahkt announced.
“Welcome –“ Rovak begin after a moment’s pause, but he was interrupted as it continued.
“Golden Hawk of the Goa’uld,” Kanahkt continued, “Wearer of Diadems in the Southern Heliopolos. Beautiful-is-the-Being of Aten, The Only-One-of-Aten, Son of the Sun, Peace-of-Aten, Divine Ruler of Karnak; Great in Duration, Living-for-Ever-and-Ever, Beloved of the Aten, Lord of the Horizon.” It seemed he was finally done, and Akhenaten stepped forward, his cape billowing as he came. Kanahkt followed behind, his own cape creating an impressive profile. The ship landed as Akhenaten reached the row of waiting Starfleet officers.
Rovak had decided dress uniforms were appropriate, and to hear the unending array of titles their guest held, he knew he’d made the right choice. He remained quiet this time.
“You have our thanks, Captain. This is my First Prime Kanahkt, my most loyal disciple. Our plight is desperate, I hope we can begin without delay.”
“Welcome, Lord Akhenaten. Live long and propser.” Rovak said, making a Vulcan salute. “This is Commander Atna, our Chief Science officer.” Rovak said of Atna, standing next to him. “And next to her is Lieutenant Onda, our Senior Diplomatic Officer.” He said, gesturing to the Bajoran in purple next to Atna.
Atna remained silent and offered a Vulcan salute to the visitors.
“On behalf of the Council of the United Federation of Planets, we welcome you in the spirit of peaceful cooperation and understanding.” Lieutenant Onda told the Pharoah, who nodded in response.
"Ensign Nimah is an anthropologist, she is here to learn about your culture so we might better accommodate you and your people." Rovak said, gesturing to the Cardassian.
Nimah smiled. Somehow or other she had a feeling that she might not need to do all that much discovering - these people seemed almost like the ancient Egyptians of Earth, whom she'd written an essay on for her final year project. To what extent they mirrored that civilisation, though? Well, she'd just have to see, she suspected.
“Lieutenant Thul, our Chief of Station Security.” Rovak gestured then to the Betazoid next to Onda. “And Lieutenant Kingsley, our Chief of Diplomatic Security.”
Lieutenant Rune Thul stood at a relaxed stance with his hands behind his back with his elbows somewhat out from his body. It was mostly to make him look bigger, considering he was Chief of Security, who could blame him. A striking adornment of both tradition and prestige, the Sash of Courage is a formal accessory worn over the Starfleet dress uniform, signifying the Seventh House of Courage on Betazed.
Draped elegantly across the torso from the left shoulder to the right hip, this finely crafted sash is woven from deep crimson and gold threads, symbolizing valor and resilience. Subtle patterns along its length depict flowing motifs, inspired by the windswept banners of ancient Betazoid warriors, a nod to the House's long-standing ethos of bravery and determination.
At the hip, the sash features a small yet ornate clip at the top of the decorative sheath, specifically designed to hold the Sacred Sword—a revered ceremonial blade that embodies the legacy of courage passed down through generations. The sheath itself is a work of art, crafted from polished obsidian and adorned with silver filigree, ensuring that the weapon remains visible as both a symbol and a testament to the wearer's lineage.
Embroidered at the heart of the sash is the emblem of Betazed, a reminder of unity and honor, alongside the sigil of the Seventh House. As for the symbol of the House, a stylized sword entwined with a vine, representing strength tempered by wisdom. This ceremonial accessory is worn only on formal occasions, diplomatic events, or during high-ranking Starfleet gatherings, serving as a visible declaration of the wearer’s heritage and unyielding commitment to courage.
Upon his name being announced by the Captain, Rune gave a respectful half torso bow and returned to his full height as he spoke. "Welcome on behalf of the Regent of the Seventh House of Betazed, myself the wielder of the Sacred Sword, I represent the House of Courage among my people and I am glad that we are able to seek peace between us. As I am Chief of Security, my staff will be handling your weapons and any accessories that perform a function for threat assessment, upon the Captain's approval they can be returned to you." He explained with a smile.
Rovak looked up towards the roof for a moment, into the transparency where a number of officers stood watching from the flight control centre at the upper level. He saw Umet'Okan, who gave him a thumbs up. Rovak raised a hand instructively to Thul. "Our guests have come here in good faith, Mr Thul. We are armed. There is no reason they may not be." Rovak brought his request to Umet'Okan to the forefront of his mind for Thul to perceive. Security had scanned them with the Excalibur's systems, and not found anything beyond their own technology. It would be foolish for the guests to try anything, but a necessary risk to establish trust.
"Understood sir," Rune replied, he followed the Captain's gaze to the Jem'Hadar with a thumbs up. He'd never imagine seeing a purely bred warrior give such a non-militaristic gesture, Rune had to stifle a chuckle for Umet'Okan looked ridiculous. An image he will treasure for a while.
“And finally Major Kalath, Executive Officer of our Marine Detachment.”
Major Kalath nodded sharply to their guest.
“You all have our thanks for your mercy.” Akhenaten said with a bow.
“It is our way to offer aide to those who request it.” Rovak said, “Please follow me.” They piled into the turbolift in two separate groups, and soon all were seated in the VIP lounge, except for Kanahkt, who stood behind his master.
Akhenaten touched a switch on on his armoured wristband, and the Pharoah’s cowl helmet he wore began to recede, folding mechanically back into itself, until it shrunk entirely into his collar. Within, they saw an older human man, a man whose ancestors had lived in a desert.
Once Akhenaten was revealed, his snake-headed servant did the same, and the serpent-featured helmet folded back in on itself piece-by-piece until it had disappeared entirely into his armour's collar.
Atna wondered what the mechanism was. It looked solid, so she suspected nanotile interlacing, or perhaps cascade entanglement.
Rune found himself pondering on the purpose of the helmet. Did it actually protect Akhenaten from weapons fire? Was it just for show? He had to admit it was rather decorative and quite beautiful when he first saw it. The opening mechanism was just as a show as it was a sign of technology level. He toyed with the idea of making one of his own.
“Please forgive the ostentation, the ways of my people are theatrical, it has been said.” Akhenaten said. His voice was no different with the helmet gone, the sound seemed to be coming from him.
“Who are your people?” Lieutenant Onda asked.
“I am a being known as a Goa’uld. We are symbiotes who live within hosts and share a blended existence. There are only a handful of mature symbiotes among my people who have made this journey. Almost all of our forces are Jaffa, like Kanahkt. They are beings who were once human, but who evolved in millennia past to allow them to carry larval Goa’uld and receive all the many benefits of blending, without the necessary sacrifice of their individuality.” Akhenaten explained.
“And those that you were in battle with?” Rune inquired, he didn’t want to sound as if he picked a side.
“They are known as the Tau’ri. An Alliance of beings from a number of worlds who rule much of our galaxy. They have hunted my followers and I relentlessly, in order to maintain peace with the System Lords.” Akhenaten explained.
“System Lords?” Onda asked.
“Goa’uld who take unwilling hosts and pose as Gods to deceive and enslave their Jaffa. They were once overthrown by the Tau’ri and their Empire destroyed, but in time they have slowly rebuilt it on the margins of the Galaxy, with help from galaxies beyond.”
“And why do they want to destroy you?” Onda asked, directly but deftly.
“The way of the Aten is heresy to them. We threaten their dominion.” The Pharoah responded.
“What is the way of the Aten?” Rovak asked.
“The Goa’uld possess genetic memory, but reproduce asexually. I possess the memories of the queen who birthed my symbiote, and all who came before her. If a blended Goa’uld procreates using the host body with another blended Goa’uld, the child will possess the genetic memory of both parents and their ancestors. Such children are known as Harcesis, and since the early days of the Goa’uld Empire they have been considered a blasphemy. They possess knowledge and physical prowess far beyond even artificially enhanced lifeforms.” Akhenaten explained, fully aware he hadn’t answered the question.
“The way of the Aten teaches us that the Harcesis are the future of the Goa’uld. We no longer need be host and symbiote, we can be one. One blended race, with all the abilities and knowledge of both. The golden seal of the Aten symbolises the Goa’uld serpent eating its own tail.”
“I see.” Rovak said. “If anyone has any questions related to this that may impact considerations for the asylum claim, please ask them now.” Rovak told the Starfleet crew.
"Were there more Atenists on their way to meet with you?" Rune asked. "Time is of the essence if so."
"No." Akhenaten responded with a tone of sadness. "We who made it are all that are left."
“You have mentioned others who you do not command but can influence, who are they?” Onda asked.
“The Lady Hera of Olympus, and the Lord Typhon of Ischia. Their loyalties once lay with the System Lords, but they have since seen the wisdom of the Aten. There were others too, the Lords Fujin and Anansi were destroyed by the Tau’ri vessel. Each risked everything by joining with me, the system lords and the Tau’ri marked them for death. Olympus, Ischia, and my own homeworld of Karnak are likely scoured by now.” Akhenaten explained.
“And their followers serve them by choice?” Rovak asked, posing it casually though it was crucial to any chance they had of being granted asylum.
“Of course. The way of the Aten is to acknowledge that there are no gods but the Aten, whose message is universal truth and freedom.” Akhenaten told them.
"How many of your number are combat ready?" Major Kalath asked.
"I have just over a thousand battle-capable Jaffa that survived the attack on the other side of the doorway. Typhon less than five hundred. Hera has more than two thousand in her service." Akhenaten admitted.
"Should your request for sanctuary be granted, our universe is quite different to yours since hearing about your journey, if you wish general knowledge of this galaxy's state of affairs can be supplied to you. What will you and your counterparts do?" Rune asked curious as to the Pharaoh's future plans. Rune had heard that refugees are so consumed by their immediate survival and escape that sometimes they forget to plan ahead, not always but often.
"We wish only for fertile land to call our own, and the peace to live and be fruitful in the ways of the Aten." Akhenaten responded.
"Suppose one among you wanted to leave, or declared that they wished to forsake the ways of the Aten. What would become of them?" Atna asked.
"They would be free to leave, if that was their wish. It would not be my wish to exile non-believers, but Jaffa culture is somewhat.. inflexible when it comes to apostasy. It is usually in the best interests of a non-believer to leave." Akhenaten explained honestly.
"I see. Thank you." Atna nodded to Akenhaten, then looked back to Rovak to gesture subtly that she had no further questions.
"Is there a single source of knowledge or sacred text that encompasses the way of the Aten which we might review?" Lieutenant Onda asked, his thoughts motivated by Atna's questioning.
"No. The Aten delivers its wisdom to me in my dreams. I know not when they will come. But they have not led us astray." Akhenaten admitted.
"Forgive me if this is a blasphemy, but how can you be sure?" Onda asked.
"We are still here. What makes you think this is not the victory the Aten envisioned?" Akhenaten asked.
"Well, respectfully from what you've told, us, your worlds, your allies and most of your people are gone. The Aten didn't help you with that?" Onda asked delicately.
"The Aten bid me to take those I could, and establish a city of the horizon. The Aten told me of the double-doors of the horizon, which brought us into your space. He bid us come sooner, but this was the best we could do to save the life we did." Akhenaten said sternly. He respected that the man in purple did not believe, but their sacrifice and success was beyond question to him.
"Thank you for your candor, milord." Onda said, also yielding his questioning.
"Well, unless there is anything else, I believe that will be all for now." Rovak told the assembled group.
"Thank you for your time, Lord Pharoah. Lieutenant Onda will show you to your lodgings, and then a tour of our vessel. We will let you know when our inspection teams are ready." Rovak told their guests.