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Introductory probes and examinations

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 1:07pm by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Lieutenant Mina Pfeiffer & Lieutenant JG Fink & Doc & Head Nurse Akendjaaq Son of Akondjaaq
Edited on on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 1:23pm

1,575 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: DownTime [1]
Location: CO's Office, DS13
Timeline: Immediately following 'Participation Awards'

“My name is Intharia T’Zor. I am an asari from the world of Thessia. I am a doctor of quantum physics, trained at Oxford on Earth.” Thari told the three beings she assumed were humans in front of her, making an open-handed gesture of surrender. She spoke in standard english, it was the language of most humans she'd known. "Is what I'm saying landing? Because if not, I can promise you I'm not a witch."

“I am Commander Rovak, of Vulcan. You are aboard Deep Space 13, a starbase of the United Federation of Planets. You have crossed through an interdimensional anomaly, and somehow you had become trapped inside a metallic object bearing your image. Can you explain how that came to be?” Rovak asked without affect, hoping to convey calm while maintaining his well-practiced security officer's wariness. He showed his palms in response.

“I was – past tense, I'm sad to say - briefly in possession of a device that created portals through to alternate realities. The last world I can recall was a steam-age human civilisation with technology powered by exploited metaphysical energies. I was attacked by a mob and after I used a natural energy manipulation ability to defend myself, they thought me some kind of demon and put me in a machine. Next thing I know I’m here on your floor.” Thari adjusted herself to an upright sitting position. “May I stand?”

“You are a guest here, Doctor T’Zor. But we will need to perform some scans to ensure that there is no danger you may unwillingly pose, or that we may unwillingly pose to you.” Rovak offered her his hand to help her.

Thari accepted his hand and leaned on his support to stand. Her legs were stiff. Everything was stiff. “That sounds reasonable. Lead on. May I ask you about yourselves for my own edification and delight?”

“Of course.” Rovak said. “Allow me to introduce my first officer Commander Alex Flynn and our chief science officer Lieutenant Atna.”

Alex smiled at the woman.

“Greetings doctor. Peace, and long life.” Atna made a Vulcan salute.

“What is Vulcan, a human world? You don’t seem totally human.” Thari said, having had a chance to examine Rovak with her careful senses as they began their journey to the sickbay.

“I am not human at all, Doctor. Vulcan is the name of my homeworld and species. Lieutenant Atna too is Vulcan.” Rovak explained.

“But you’re so similar looking. Other than the ears and eyebrows.” Thari observed as they stepped into the turbolift.

Alex took a moment to surreptitiously activate a moving quarantine forcefield and alert the medical staff of their imminent arrival as they bundled into the turbolift.

“Externally this is true of many species in our home region of space. Internally however we are quite different, with copper-based blood. We evolved from more feline than simian ancestors and have substantially different internal anatomy, as well as significantly greater telepathic potential. Despite these differences we can mate with humans and produce young with only minor medical intervention required.” Atna explained.

“That’s extraordinary. The odds are… well, more than I can calculate. You should see what grows on neighboring planets where I come from. Nothing that’s going to consider mating as a priority.” Thari observed with a dry laugh.

“But you do have humans where you come from?” Alex asked.

“Oh yes, my grandfather was human, they’re on the council and everything. But then you probably don’t have a citadel council, or a citadel. Right?” Thari asked.

“I do not believe so.” Rovak told her. “Did you say you have human DNA?” He asked to follow up.

“No, not exactly. It’s got to do with the way my species breeds. I’d rather not get into that just now, I think your doctors might be able to break it down for you more simply than I can. May I see a map of your galaxy?” Thari asked, hoping to change the subject.

Atna obliged and brought up a holographic visual on the roof of the turbolift. “You will see Federation Space outlined in blue, and our location at the blinking light.

“Deep Space indeed. We’re almost in the attican traverse.” Thari said. “What manner of FTL travel do you use? I presume any territory this size is using the mass relays.”

“I don’t think we’ve got those.” Alex answered the question after she saw what she assumed was confusion on the faces of the others. “We use warp drive. Spacial contraction and expansion using Alcubierre principles.” Everything Alex knew about warp physics would fit in a thimble, but it made her feel a bit less dumb to recite what little she recalled from her warp theory classes that she’d done quite poorly in.

“Oh, origami drive. I understand it’s supposed to be effective, but does that not take forever to cross a space as large as your federation?” Thari asked with a laugh.

“We also have access to other, faster travel methods, but warp drive is the galactic standard.” Atna explained.

The turbolift stopped and everyone but Rovak emerged. “If you will excuse me Doctor, I leave you in capable hands.”

“Thank you, Rovak of Vulcan. Until next time.” Thari said, watching the man disappear between the doors.

They entered sickbay single file, where Doctors Pfeiffer and Fink were waiting with the hologram Doc and Head Nuse Akendjaaq.

“You’re all here for me?” Thari asked with unexpected gratitude at the attention. She greeted them all individually, obviously familiar with virtual intelligences like Doc.

“You will have to forgive us, Doctor, it is not every day we get to meet a being from another universe.” Doctor Pfeiffer said warmly to the Asari. “Please let us know if there is anything we can do to accommodate you.”

“I wouldn’t know well enough to tell you, I’m a Doctor of quantum physics. I guess I’m just going to have to trust you.” Thari said, lying down on a biobed as she was guided to do.


An hour later, Atna and Flynn returned to Rovak’s office.

“What news?” Rovak asked, looking up from the display holograph emitted by his desk.

“Pfeiffer’s given her a clean bill of health. But she’s got features that make Vulcans look mediocre and short-lived.” Alex said, lighting another smoke as the door shut behind her and taking a seat in one of the chairs on the other side of Rovak’s desk.

“Explain.” Rovak said with a raised eyebrow.

Atna took the other seat. “The scans confirm what she described, a natural lifespan of millennia, almost no detrimental effects of aging, and cells saturated by an exotic element unknown to our science. She says they call it ‘element zero’ and it is a rare commodity where she comes from, used for faster-than-light travel.”

“It supposedly also gives her people natural abilities to generate dark energy fields for defensive and offensive purposes. Curiously, they are sexually monomorphic, but they are not asexual and require a partner to procreate. Evidently the reproductive process is inherently telepathic, and one individual ‘scans’ the other psychically, creating an imprint of the beneficial features of their DNA that they pass to their offspring without any direct physical exchange. The child they produce will always be Asari.” Atna explained.

“Curious. I have only one real question, is she dangerous?” Rovak asked.

“I do not believe so.” Atna said. “I do not have any reason to believe anything she has told us was not the truth. She states that her abilities to wield dark energy are poorly developed, and even then her only knowledge is defensive.”

“How old is she, anyway?” Alex asked.

“She is more than 250 years old.” Atna said.

The information hit Alex like a sonic boom. “God damn.” She seemed both impressed and annoyed, and took a long drag on her cigarette.

“She must have a wealth of knowledge. Starfleet does not want her leaving the system for the immediate future. Perhaps we could offer her a position on the science staff?” Rovak suggested.

“I believe that would be most beneficial, sir.” Atna said with what almost amounted to enthusiasm.

“Any objections, Commander Flynn?” Rovak asked.

“None. She seems like the real deal. But should we be keeping an eye out for anything?” Alex responded with muted suspicion.

“Trust, but verify. On the balance of probabilities I consider it more likely than not that she is here against her will, and has nothing to gain from harming or deceiving us.” Rovak said. "But do not hesitate to pursue any suspicions. There is still the possibility, however remote, that she is some manner of intergalactic war criminal.

“Good enough for me.” Alex responded, putting out her cigarette in the lowered hovering smoke-gathering drone she used.

“I would like you both to take opportunities to meet with her throughout the week, if for no other reason than to assist her socially.” Rovak said.

"No problem. I'll bring her to our poker game." Alex said to Atna.

"We do not have a poker game that I am aware of, Commander." Atna responded.

"Atna, we're having a poker game. Get any science officers who are interested. I've heard Toh is a shark." Alex told Atna with a sudden salesman's enthusiasm.

"I shall enquire." Atna said.

“Dismissed.” Rovak told them.


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