Discoveries and allergies
Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 11:04am by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Ensign Abra Akzhouri & SubLieutenant Attania Viren
616 words; about a 3 minute read
DownTime [1]
Location: USS Cupid, in orbit of Dreizhen V's first moon
Timeline: 1230 Hours - MD02
“Survey crew, this is DS13.” Came the voice of Rovak. “In seven minutes the Dreizhen star will pass between us for around two hours. Direct communications will be difficult, please relay any messages through the Bellerophon.” All three runabouts on the survey received the message at the same time.
“Cupid gets it, DS13.” Flynn responded to the broadcast. Even though they’d found something really interesting, she wanted a smoke. “So what are we looking at here, Doctor?” Alex thought it was beautiful regardless, a smokey grey-green jewel in the bright orange light of the gas giant.
“It’s an entirely fungal biosphere. The planet has an atmosphere but no magnetosphere, fortunately the mycelial lifeforms here seem to draw nutrition from the hard radiation thrown off by Dreizhen 5.” Thari explained her current view on the planet below. “Are these common in your galaxy?”
“I don’t think they eat radiation, but one of the moons of my homeworld Setareh VII has a fungal biosphere.” Ensign Akhzhouri responded. “Otherwise no other worlds spring to mind.”
“There were two in the former Romulan Empire that I knew of, Aggeratas and Gwhul. I believe both are now annexed Klingon territory. I don’t know about their relationship to radiation, I’m sorry.” SubLieutenant Viren told Dr T’Zor. She was trying hard not to sneeze. Wiggling her toes.
“There is no need to apologise, SubLieutenant.” Thari said warmly. “I believe we’ve collected everything we can expect to collect without setting foot on the surface, Commander.” Thari told Alex.
“Neat. As the commander of this mission, I get to name it, right?” Alex asked.
“That is protocol ma’am, yes.” Akzhouri confirmed.
“Do I have to do it now or can I think of something?” Alex queried, Abra seemed to know her stuff.
“If someone else with authority to do so names it you will lose your chance, but yes.” Abra told the XO.
“Let’s call it Intharia, in honour of our new friend.” Alex said.
“Commander, that’s… that’s too much of an honour. I am sure there are many more deserving.” Thari said, her reluctance apparent.
“I won’t hear of it, Doctor. Rank hath its privileges.” Alex said. “Enter it into the log, Dreizhen 5a is now to be referred to as Intharia, or the Intharian moon.”
“Aye, ma’am.” Abra told her. She wondered if she’d ever get a planetoid named after her.
Thari glowed silently at the gesture. She had never dreamed of such a thing, every spare rock of her own galaxy had been explored and named in her lifetime.
The survey had only continued for another few minutes when those few with extrasensory perception would feel something that others would not.
Out of the darkness, something called to anyone with the telepathic awareness to hear it. Even those with minimal sensitivity would feel a disquieting tingle, the attuned could hear a small, unmistakable voice calling ‘help’.
Intharia was completely insensate to the psychic event, her abilities only revolved around dark energy and its magnification.
For a moment SubLieutenant Viren believed she’d felt something strange, but moments later she sneezed, and forgot the sensation. She suspected she had an allergy to something someone was wearing.
"Bless you." Ensign Akzhouri said by habit.
"Don't be afraid to replicate yourself an antihistamine if you need it." Alex said to Viren.
"Understood, ma'am. I should be fine." Viren said without any real basis, wiping her nose on her sleeve.
"Alright then. Let's be on to our next orbit." Alex instructed.
Ensign Akzhouri set their course for the second planet, an unusually dense world with five times standard gravity and a light atmosphere.