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Gracing the orange giant

Posted on Wed Sep 4th, 2024 @ 11:18am by Lieutenant Commander Atna & Captain Rovak & Lieutenant Alph & Ensign P'Lar & Navigator Korusca
Edited on on Wed Sep 4th, 2024 @ 11:19am

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: DownTime [1]
Location: USS Hou Yi, Upper atmosphere of Dreizhen V
Timeline: 1230 Hours - MD02

“Survey crew, this is DS13.” Came the voice of Rovak. “In seven minutes the Dreizhen star will pass between us for around two hours. Direct communications will be difficult, please relay any messages through the Bellerophon.” All three runabouts on the survey received the message at the same time.

“Hou Yi confirms.” The android Lieutenant Alph responded.

Atna was focused intently on the viewfinder eyepiece at the science station. It was a densely layered atmosphere with a number of unusual qualities.

There was almost no chatter. P’Lar and Alph were focused on their work. Atna felt and restrained a slash of annoyance at the new security chief, Atna had hoped to spend much of this time conversing with PO Chau.

“How are we reading?” Atna asked P’Lar, feeling confident about their ability to venture deeper.

“I estimate we can go up to a kilometer down safely with shields up. More readings will be needed at that depth, but further may be possible.” P’Lar advised.

“Do you believe there is more to be gained from venturing deeper, ma’am?” Alph asked Atna. "A spacecraft this small will not be so comfortable within such a high pressure atmosphere. We should be safe, however you may find it disagreeable."

"Your concern is noted, Mister Alph. Mister Korusca, please take us in." Atna instructed. Korusca affirmed the order and entered the commands, taking the shuttle down into the dark and chaotic atmosphere of the gas giant.

The noise of furious winds and unspeakable pressure made a loud rumble that could not be quieted, even with dampeners at maximum. The hull itself was rumbling in sympathetic vibration. It was an unpleasant sensation. After twenty minutes, Atna had changed her mind. “Return us to upper orbit.” Atna instructed.

“Mr Alph, launch some probes.” Atna instructed. If she had felt anything, it would have been disappointment. She sat back into her seat, this wasn’t going to be the in-depth analysis she expected, she would need a real ship for that. "We will conduct our scans from orbit."

“Launching, ma’am.” Alph said as a number of the smaller shuttlecraft-issue probes were deployed.

The survey had only continued for another few minutes when those few with extrasensory perception would feel something that others would not.

Out of the darkness, something called to anyone with the telepathic awareness to hear it. Even those with minimal sensitivity would feel a disquieting tingle, the attuned could hear a small, unmistakable voice calling ‘help’.

P’Lar reacted visibly, putting a hand to her temple. She looked towards Atna.

Atna looked at P’Lar at the same time. “A telepathic message has just reached us.” She announced to the rest of the crew. “It is a call for help.”

"Fascinating. Can you identify the source?" Alph asked. He rechecked the sensors, all the other shuttles were still in communications range, it was unlikely to be them, unless something undisclosed had gone wrong.

"If I were to hazard I guess, I would estimate it came from that direction." Atna said, pointing towards starboard. "I cannot be more specific than that."

"I believe there is at least one telepath on each of the other survey shuttles." Alph realised. "I recommend we coordinate with them to determine the source of the message. I have compiled a list of potential locations the request may have originated from based on your directions. With data from even one of the other shuttles, it should be a simple matter to narrow down the candidates."

"I agree. The survey can wait. If our help is needed, that should be our priority." Atna tapped a few commands on her console. "Mister Korusca, take us into a higher orbit."

The Medusan navigator did as instructed, and soon the runabout was high above the gas giant.


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