Post-Dalek Debrief
Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2024 @ 2:12pm by Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & Lieutenant Commander Atna & Ensign Abra Akzhouri & Ensign P'Lar & Navigator Korusca & SubLieutenant Attania Viren
Edited on on Sun Dec 8th, 2024 @ 3:08pm
964 words; about a 5 minute read
DownTime [1]
Location: CO's Office, DS13
Timeline: 1530 - MD02
With the Excalibur in dock, and the survey mission recalled, Rovak had gathered the team in his office. The story they told was quite peculiar, to hear that they had seen him killed and the station destroyed was something he was not sure how to process. "That sounds like quite an ordeal. It is agreeable that you all seem well. I understand Lieutenant Alph's injuries are repairable." Rovak told the team. "How are you all feeling?" He asked.
"Doing good, sir. A problem presented itself, we solved it. I would have preferred if there was a non-military solution possible, but none presented itself." Flynn responded keenly.
"I have no complaints." Said Akzhouri.
"Nor I." Echoed Korusca.
"I am in the same condition I was before departure. I hope we will have an opportunity soon to finish the orbital survey." Atna announced with justified confidence.
"I feel much the same as Lieutenant Atna." P'Lar said.
"It's nice to know that my universe doesn't have the monopoly on monstrous xenocidal entities. I'm fine." Dr T'Zor told the Commander.
"I'd like to apologise to everyone. I woke that Dalek thing up. We're all okay, but.. well, we nearly weren't. So. Yeah. Sorry. Sincerely." Sublieutenant Viren said. Other than Korusca who was functionally immortal, she felt like she owed a certain debt to all of them now.
"Don't worry yourself, Sublieutenant. Involuntary physical responses are nothing to feel guilt for." Dr T'Zor told Viren.
"Indeed." Atna agreed. "If something as minor as a sneeze could awaken it, we would most likely have awakened it in some way or another."
"Yeah." Alex joined them in agreement. "God knows what would have happened if one of us had a chance to touch it by mistake. Probably would've been me, let's be honest."
"I share that sentiment, Doctor T'Zor. The trial, while I feel better for having had it, it would have been nice to have the option of doing it." Rune said and shrugged. "Yeah, like that will happen." He sighed.
"Given the somewhat extreme circumstances detailed in your reports, I'd like you all to speak with a Counselor within the next week to ensure they have no concerns about the impact. I do not wish to make it an order, but if it is not done this time next week I will have to." Rovak said.
"Yes sir," Rune said as he drew out his words.
Alex gave a thumbs up, Atna nodded. Intharia wasn't sure if it applied to her because she was a civilian, so she tried to look supportive and engaged.
"Thank you all for your efforts. You are dismissed." Rovak said.
Alex stayed where she was. She knew they weren't done.
Atna and T'Zor made their way to the Excalibur, keen to do some tests on the damage from the Dalek weapons with the equipment they had aboard.
Rune stood and approached the Commander. "Sir, it is good to have you, my family and everyone back." He said and smiled softly.
"Indeed. Please take the afternoon off if there are no pressing matters to attend to. That goes for all of you." Rovak said to Thul, and the others.
Rune nodded. He turned and left the office, he felt more tired than he ever thought he'd been before.
Once all the others were gone, he turned to Flynn. "This report does not bode well. Even if we were able to defeat this 'Dalek', temporal investigations will no doubt be on their way here soon. That ship and its Commander are going to arouse the wrong kind of attention if they remain here."
Alex went to say something, but it caught in her throat. Her usual calm, borderline disinterested confidence seemed to falter, and she leaned forward, holding her face in her hands, her hair falling forward over them. She let out a single anguished cry before breathing in sharply.
"That Dalek was a fucking asshole." Alex said, letting out another light sob, sounding like she was somehow laughing in spite of her own sudden outpouring of grief.
"I had gleaned as much from your reports, yes." Rovak said, moving to the replicator and entering an order manually. He took whatever the alcove generated, then moved to his desk and removed something from a drawer. He left a single cigarette standing upright and the traditional flame-lighting device that he used for his ha'metn pipe on the table within Alex's reach.
Alex looked up and sniffed, wiping her eyes. "Thanks." She said as she noticed the cigarette and lighter. As she took a first puff, she seemed calmed. "I'd like to request that we avoid anything capable of destroying the station again. I don't think I can handle it."
"The station remains, Flynn. What happens happens and cannot happen any other way. That we have escaped certain death again is surely a cause for celebration." Rovak said, moving back to his desk. "This Commander, what sort of man is he?"
"Good question.. He's pleasant enough, and forthright. Polite. Not unlike yourself really, except he emotes and he's got a certain quasi-flirtatious charm." Alex admitted.
Rovak furrowed his brow at the comparison. "I will go and see him. You said he occupies space outside the scope of the ship's structure, how am I to speak to him?
"Go to the bridge and address him. He could hear me from there." Alex told him.
"Very well. I am ordering you to take it easy, Lieutenant Commander. Slar and Grey Horse can take over until tomorrow. You have done well today." Rovak said.
"Don't have to tell me twice, sir. I'll be at Freddie's. Good luck." Alex said, leaving in a cloud of smoke, rapidly removing her uniform jacket. She didn't show it, but his praise warmed her jangled soul.