Clouds Darken the Skies [✱5]
Posted on Sun Mar 16th, 2025 @ 10:18am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Gaz & Captain Rovak & Commander Alex Flynn & Lieutenant Rune Thul & Lieutenant S'Lace & Mana'i & Doctor Intharia T'Zor & SubCommander Saa & Lieutenant JG Eris sh'Rhavar
Edited on on Tue Mar 25th, 2025 @ 5:01am
1,110 words; about a 6 minute read
The Serpent's Tooth [3]
Location: Conference Room, Deck 10
Timeline: 0130 - MD07
"Good morning, I apologise if any of you were awoken, but the situation is extremely time sensitive. As you are no doubt aware, three ships passed through the anomaly under fire, the aggressor that pursued them was destroyed on the other side, alongside two of the fleeing vessels." Rovak said as the vision of the attack on the Goa'uld refugees by the 'Tau'ri' vessel replayed for the benefit of anyone who may not have seen it yet in the room.
"They have requested asylum, and I intend for us to conduct a thorough inspection before any decision is made." Rovak explained, bringing up a holographic wireframe of the three damaged ships. Two had holes punched through them, the third was missing the crown of its central pyramid. "With the anomaly due to shift away from their universe in less than two hours, we must gather the facts to make a decision presently."
He brought up the hologram of the wizened man he had just left discussions with, which also displayed the activation and deactivation of his fascinating Pharoanic helm that folded down into nothing.
"They are led by a being named Akhenaten, he is a symbiotic lifeform known as a Goa'uld in the body of a human. He is leader of all the asylees, but only master of his own ship. There is a Goa'uld in charge of each of the other ships, with whom he is currently discussing the acceptance of our terms. He says they are stubborn and proud, but in time, always logical." Rovak said. He did find that aspect of their plight suspicious, the capricious allies waiting in the wings.
"Security forces will make the first sweeps escorted by the First Prime of each vessel. Unless there are obvious signs of violations of galactic treaty or sentient rights abuses aboard, inspection teams will follow pending security's confirmation." Rovak said, looking to Thul.
"I would like you to augment your security teams with marine forces. The overwhelming majority population of the asylees are beings known as Jaffa. They were human millennia ago until they gained the ability to sustain a larval Goa'uld in an abdominal pouch, in exchange for all the improvements blending brings without the mental synthesis. They are a warrior culture, and I believe they will respect the show of strength." Rovak told the group, before focusing once more on the security chief.
"Captain, may I have your permission to leave now and conduct these inspections post-haste as time is a factor?" Rune stood but waited.
"Very well." Rovak said.
"Thank you sir, contact me if anything comes up during the meeting you need Security and or Tactical for." Rune said with a small head bow before he excused himself and left the room.
"Subcommander, have damage control teams been able to glean enough information from scans to effect repairs on the visitor vessels in time, or should I make a request for further assistance from any engineers they may have?" Rovak asked Saa, knowing full well that expecting anyone to repair such a vessel in two hours was a big ask, let alone three of them.
Saa met his gaze evenly, understanding the question as the formality that it was. "If they've got any engineers who know what they're doing, we need to interface with them immediately," she confirmed. "Our teams can patch the holes, seal off the damaged sections with force fields, but either they know their drive system a lot better than we do, or they're not going anywhere."
"In any event, do not hesitate to make use of Chief Gaz and his team where required, station Ops can run understaffed for a few hours, at least." Rovak suggested.
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of leaving them out," she agreed dryly.
Gaz made an ambiguous snort, folding his arms.
"Dr T'Zor, I would like you to take the lead on the inspections. Let us not waste any opportunity for discovery, though this may be a necessary procedure." Rovak told T'Zor.
"Yes sir, we will be fast and thorough," Intharia responded. She began to pick out team leaders in her head.
"Are you comfortable accompanying her in this task, Mana'i? I have been lead to believe the Jaffa are superstitious, and may not take well to the unknown." Rovak asked the biomechanical woman who had been Dr T'Zor's shadow since she had arrived.
"I'd be pleased to. Of course." Mana'i's bright blue eyes seemed to glow a little brighter as the words left her mouth. Funny how she just happened to be around when they others were talking about duplicity and intentions - her Kanohi Aglaea would certainly come in handy, she reckoned. She wished sometimes that the Mask of Truth-Seeking could actually discern when someone was lying - but there were many occasions where merely sensing intention was sufficient for her to make an educated guess.
"Commander Atna, I would like you to take command of the Excalibur and stand sentry at the anomaly's threshold. Nobody else will be going in or out without our permission." Rovak stated.
"Aye Captain." Atna said. It wasn't the assignment she was expecting but it wasn't disagreeable.
"Lieutenant sh'Rhavar, I would like you to gather a team of scientists, navigators and propulsion engineers to review their navigational systems. They would appear to have the ability to travel at transwarp speed, even if it is not the precise method we are familiar with." Rovak instructed the Andorian.
"Yes, sir. I think I know just the engineers." Eris responded, remembering her earlier conversations with the Romulan Viren, who had been theorizing about the nature of the craft.
"Commander Flynn, I will need you in the CIC. Admiral Gali will likely want to be briefed once he receives my last update." Rovak told Flynn.
"Understood." Flynn told him, glad her task was something she was so familiar with, even if she didn't relish the idea of having to talk Gali through the events.
"Dr S'Lace, we will need medical teams to accompany the inspectors. I appreciate that we cannot possibly minister to all aboard in the time available, but any information about the health and wellbeing of the civilians and soldiers will be of value in finalising our assessment of their asylum claim. There will also likely be injured aboard from the battle." Rovak told the Chief Medical Officer.
"Understood, Captain," S'Lace replied, "I will prepare the teams."
"Very well. If there is anyone who does not know what they are doing, now is the time to ask." Rovak said, planning to wait exactly three seconds for a response.
"Dismissed." He said after three continuous seconds of silence.